The Awakening

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Daiya POV

I bang on the door to no response as I begin to tap my foot on the mat. "James open up!" I yelled hearing the apartment behind me turn their tv volume up. I can feel my whole body fluster with heat causing me to get even more aggravated. I place my hand on the door again as I watch the door pop off it's hinges. "Daiya, what the fuck?" James said rubbing his eyes as he blinked a few times before staring at me. I try to focus my thoughts as I gather back to reality. "Shit like that has been happening to me all morning." I tell him stepping into the apartment.

"Why does your apartment smell like a wet dog James?" I asked him soon as I catch the scent and odor. "First off all. Your paying for a new door. Secondly you said you been dealing with some weird shit since this morning?" He asked shutting the door as it popped back open. "My hair is falling out." I tell him as I dig into my curly hair extending my arm out dropping my hair on the carpet. "Daiya." James said as I watch him grab a chair placing it on the doorknob so the door could stay shut. "Yes big brother?" I blink my eyes watching him sit down on the couch as he looks at me.

Daiya looked like a female version of myself, some would think we were twins. She had a hard time taking things seriously sometimes which bothered me. She was my skin tone but very much lighter as she had long curly hair and hazel eyes. Mine were chocolate brown and that's what was different about us. But I love my annoying full of life little sister. Even though we aren't on good terms right now.

"Last night... something happened to me that your not going to believe sis." He stated as I squint my eyes trying to see through what he's about to say. "I'm a Werewolf." He said as I felt tickles in my stomach as I burst out laughing but was stopped when I noticed he was being serious. "There are no such things as..." I was trying to speak but I couldn't talk. "Daiya? Daiya what's wrong?" James said as he got up looking nervous as he grabbed his phone and started scrolling. I tried to speak but words wouldn't form out. I tried to speak again but this time a growl escaped my throat as I place my hand over my mouth.

"Derek. I think my sister is turning." I heard James say on the phone. I went to the bathroom looking in the mirror watching my light skin turn brown. My hair fell out as I backed up watching my skin get all hairy. "James!" I screamed as I went to the living room as I fell down on my knees. "Daiya. Just turn okay you have to get it out sooner rather than later." He stated as I screamed feeling my bones dislocate as my fingers faded into paws as I look at James. "Brother?" I asked questionably as I was now on all fours and felt loose on my feet. "Yea... i don't know what's going on sis... it happened to me yesterday." He said to me as I looked at the Big mirror On the wall I was a monster now.

I close my eyes crying because I was scared of the witchcraft I was witnessing. The sobs I was letting out sounded like dog whimpers. I'm only sixteen I don't want to be stuck like this forever. I felt the heat from earlier as my bones reshaped and the fur shedded off and I was in my bare skin again. I touch my head feeling a head full of hair as I jump up. "Um how did you do that?" James asked. As I realized I was naked a grabbed a pillow to cover my exposed parts. "I don't know... I got sad and thought about myself." I said as he shook his head in disagreement. "Yourself? Right because that's all you think about is yourself Daiya." He said taking off his shirt tossing it at me as I catch it and put it on me.

He goes in his room before coming out with some sweats pants. "Oh fuck you. What did you want me to say I'm sorry for not being here every night and everyday... u want me to say I'm sorry I moved out? Huh James? Our grandmother is in the hospital and that's why I left! I didn't want to stay here to see that." I said as I snatched the sweats pants putting them on. "Man fuck you Daiya. You always thought about yourself." He said turning his back on me. "Don't turn your back on me asshole." I said grabbing his arm turning him around not realizing how strong I am now.

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