She did it

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James POV

"The effects of reversing time damaged her body and erased her completely from our timeline." I told Daiya as she was covered completely in fur and her fingernails were claws. "We cant let her sacrifice be for nothing. We end this now." Daiya said her voice coming out as a growl. She ran towards the spirit on all fours charging at him as he stood still. Using her hands and feet to sprint as she seemed to be more faster than when she was a gigantic wolf. She was faster, stronger, and she had her ghost abilities as well. Death and Daiya battled once more as she was pissed off. I started to think about how we were going to beat him. I couldn't lay a hand on him. And if what I was hearing earlier is correct he manages to kill me. Twice.

Yasmine isn't around to reverse time so if either one of us dies, this was it. "RETREAT!" I told my pack as they looked shocked before vanishing off in the woods. Daiya was finally losing her momentum as he slammed her down hard on her back. "DAIYA! Teleport us to the Castle. NOW!" I pleaded as she nodded. Poof. She teleported towards me as she closed her eyes concentrating hard. "Both of your souls will be mine. Forget the others. Nobody can save you from me. I am inevitable." He stated as he threw his Scythe towards me as my eyes widen.
This is it. Poof. I was surrounded by dim lights and the halls smelt like paint and corpses.

Ajax, Yasmines brother walked up to me grabbing me by my neck throwing me into a wall. Daiya pushed him back with her force power as he flew back into a table. "What is with all this commotion!" King Aeson hissed as he saw me. Yasmines father. I was surrounded by hundreds of vampires. "James... where's Yasmine?" The king of the vampires asked as a tear fell down from my eye. "Why do you care you said you would kill her." Daiya said defensively. "I saw the whole thing father. You were suppose to protect her. You said you would keep her safe." Ajax hissed at me as his fangs were out. He grabbed me by my neck as he squeezed it. I accepted my fate as the other vampires were smiling and grinning. This is what they wanted the moment they found out... that the princess was in love with a Werewolf.

"LET HIM GO!" A familiar voice said as everyone gasped. I was dropped down hard as I was breathing hard to catch my breath. Damn. Yasmine dying broke me. losing her made me lose myself. I lost a piece of me. "James. Did we win?" I look up at the voice. It was Yasmine. I got up fast as I wrapped my arm around her hugging nothing but air. I looked at her as she looked like herself. I move my hand out to touch her as it went through her. "Why did you do that." I said as everyone was looking at us.

"The princess is a ghost." One of the vampires said as they all started to mumble and look at me. "It was my decision." Yasmine told them as they all stopped chatting to hear her speak. "Daughter. What happened?" Aeson said as the room started to get cold as everything got dark. I fell down on my hands and knees. He was here. Death himself. I just couldn't function any more. It's like apart of me inside of me was dying. I grabbed my chest before feeling my head hit the concrete ground. Everything was pitch black.

Daiya POV

"JAMES!" I yelled once he was unconscious. I walked over to him as the other vampires backing up were afraid of me. "A werewolf ghost... why isn't she a wolf? I never seen a transformation like that before." A woman had spoke as Yasmine was staring down Death. "He'll be okay. Our imprint died now that I am dead. Once the lover of an imprint dies they lose their connection to that person. Forcing them to start over. To move on. To find a new imprint." She said as a tear fell down from her left eye. "Andrew?" The king said as Death stood still. "Well. I didn't expect to ever come back to this place again. I'll be sure to burn it down after I take Daiya... and Yasmine's soul." He said readying his weapon as he flew toward us.

Before I could react Yasmine was already on him with a sword that shined flames. "What? How." Andrew said as he fell on his back as his Scythe had broken in half. "I'm your successor after you fall. Do you remember? Meaning I'm a candidate to be the next death Angel. That's my curse." Yasmine stated as I was watching the two stare each other down. James was still unconscious as his dead girlfriend was looking as badass as ever. She started to glow as we were all watching as she started to ignite in flames. She turned into a skeleton. A burning skeleton as her sword drew hotter flames turning blue.

"I should've let you died years ago." Yasmine said as the room grew hotter as she was turning into a super nova. Her skeleton body absorbed the flames consuming the fire inside of her as she gained her human appearance back. She ignited herself into a human torch as the vampires all hissed. "I'm going to kill you now!" Andrew said as he transformed back into his human appearance. He ignited in flames as well as the two collided. The vampires were all watching as they were in awe and so was I.

The king and Ajax helped my brother up as Ajax was carrying him over his shoulder. He then made a kinetic energy field around Andrew and Yasmine as each attack made the castle shake. "She was always the most powerful of us. But this.. this is amazing even in death she's a warrior." Thanatos said as he appeared out of the crowd of vampires. He's supposed to be praised as some type of god of vampires. And for him to be so astonished is saying a lot about Yasmine.

Yasmine POV

Both our wings emerged from our backs as we were focusing on flapping them to stay in the air. He charged at me as I used his momentum to flip him over. He's falling down as I come down hard closing both my fist together slamming my hands into his chest as he hit the ground. He slowly gets up staring me down coughing as he was gaining his breath. His flames were put out as I was still ignited. I run towards him jumping high in the air as I kicked him in his jaw destroying his mouth completely. He gets knocked back as he couldn't speak as his eyes showed true fear. His mouth was hanging out of his face as I stared him down.

"I'm the Death Angel now." I told him as I grabbed his face crushing it as his soul and the souls he had gathered flew directly into my body. I can feel the power purging through me as the flames surrounding me turned into smoke. I was myself again. I looked down as Andrew was gone, turned to ash. I did it.

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