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I watch as the person I been stalking finally gets out of his car. I was hungry my blood was boiling to sink my teeth into someone's skin. I tried animals like deers, bears, and anything that had fur but that didn't satisfy my hunger. I slowly approach the man as he's texting on his phone as I feel my eyes burn of anticipation. My throat tasting like dried up blood as I grab him by his collarbone turning him around as he gasped as my teeth bit deep into his neck. I slurp the blood leaking from his neck like a smoothie as I lick my lips watching him fall on the pavement. "Ava no!" I here Randal says to me the person whose responsible for creating me. "Why not!" I yelled back at him as we stand face to face he was taller than me but we knew who was stronger.

"This was a bad idea. I should've never bit you." He says as if I'm suppose to care how he feels about me. "I used you." I tell him as he looks at me with a look of hurt. "James is the one that I want. You were a simple distraction to get my mind off of the pain he was bringing me." I snarled as he charged at me his teeth barring as if they were singing. "I TRUSTED YOU." He yells holding my neck tight as I push his face to pry him off of me. "Let me go." I say as he sighs before releasing me and vanishing in a blink of a eye. "Now. Time to get rid of this Yasmine character." I say to myself as I walk down the street listening for James's heartbeat.

James POV

I'm surrounded by at least ten different color coated wolves. All growling and showing they're teeth as I raise from my belly and onto my feet. None of them look familiar so they had to be a new pack in town as I growled and show my teeth. One of them walked up to me as the other bowed down on their faces as he made his way through the pack. "Your on our turf." He linked his voice to my mind as we synced our brains to each other to speak. "I don't care who turf this is. I don't care how many of you it is. I'm a alpha." I say snarling feeling the heat in my eyes as my vision glow red. "I don't want to fight you. I want you to join us." He speaks as I look at the other Wolves as they stand on there fours eyeing me down. We all jump to the sound of footsteps before turning our heads to Yasmine. "Vampire!" The werewolf raged his intentions flashing through my head as I jump on him.

Yasmine jumps up to a Tree branch before climbing up and looking down at us. "Let us go! We must kill it with fire." He growled at me his strength increasing as he begins to push me off as I look up at Yasmine. My distraction became his advantage as he pushed me off with his hind legs sending me crashing down the cliff. I bump my head on a rock and landed on my shoulder falling onto the sands surface. I had phased back in my human body the fur from my skin flying off into the wind. "Mutha fucka." I say to myself as I stand up walking to the rocky surface and throwing my shoulder into it. My dislocated shoulder popped back into place as I shake the pain off getting pissed now. I grab onto the edge of the body of the wall as I started to rock climb my way back up to the top.

I can hear her hissing at the wolves as they scratch their paws on the tree she was on. I know she didn't want to harm them because of me. I grab onto a jagged rock as it breaks from my grab causing me to slip. I grab onto another rock hanging a long distance from the ground. Yasmine screams as I hear teeth smacking together and a branch screeching as I jump my body forward. I jump back into the pack of wolves ripping my human body to shreds as I stand in my black coated wolf body. My paws hitting the ground as I snarl my teeth as the wolves looked at me shocked that I had survived the fall. "Ooouuu you done fucked up now!" Yasmine says laughing to her self as the leader wolf pushes a wolf out of his way to charge at me.

We hit our heads on each other before wrestling our necks to pin each other down. I was kicked with his hind leg in the snout as I scrunched my face. He bit deep into my neck as the wolves watched on as the battle of the alphas banged. I used his weight against him as I flipped him over landing on our backs. He released his gripped as he rolled over the cliff. He dug his nails into the grass hanging on for his life as I looked down on him. The wolves didn't move a single inch as I dug my nails into his paws. I looked him dead in his eyes before phasing back into my human body my fur blowing in the wind. "I'm the Alpha now." I tell him before breaking his wrist and watching him fall to his death back and neck snapping on impact.

I turned around to see all the wolves had phased back into their human body and it was so many races. They kneeled before me as if I was a king as a grinned formed across my face. "Well done James." A familiar voice spoke that wasn't Yasmine. "Ava." I said looking at her as Yasmine looked down at her before jumping down. "I want you James. But I'm going to have to kill the princess." Ava said as Yasmine looks at me with a look of confusion as I realized that Ava was serious. She let her fangs extend from her teeth charging at Yasmine as Yasmine grabbed her by her arms. My new pack and I watched on as the two battled for submission. The two were evenly matched as they released each other throwing the other far from reach. POW. A loud shot rang through the forest as I looked at the man from before.

The hunters were here.

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