Unattempted hero

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James POV

Jal grabs Alx by her throat as he proceeds to lift her above his head. And an instant he slams her down on his knee breaking her back. I stand there in front of them as he drops her on the ground. She looks up at me as she can't move as he had paralyzed her. "I don't care how quick you can heal. She won't get back up from that." Jal says to me as I feel heat immediately flow inside my body. Alx starts to cry as she can't move, she looks at me for help but I couldn't even do that. I look at Ava and Yasmine as they back away from the fight as they know this guy is the real deal. He's even stronger than Genesis.

Demetrius was knocked out as he had been swung through a tree. He must've been jumped by the other dragons to be so exhausted. I feel my teeth turn into fangs as smoke starts to steam from my body. My bones reshaping and snapping as I grow taller I was so angry I didn't realize I was transforming.

I'm in my wolfman form.

"People are dying like lambs and cows... what I'm doing is justified. Population continues to build we're running out of resources. We are at the end of days, if there is a God he's not doing anything... any time soon." Jal says as he allows me to transform as Ava and Yasmine we're behind me.

"You can't justify what your planing to do as right!" Yasmine says as he takes a deep breath before rolling his eyes. "I'm not a bad guy. It's too many mouths to feed... too many wars. With this crown I can wipe away this worlds problems in a blink of an eye. That's peace." Jal stated as he had a point but his actions are still wrong. Innocents will die.

"Your not God." Ava spits at him as he grins menacingly. "Whose to say there ever was one?" He growls as he charges at us as we exchange fists once more. Yasmine and Ava swing punches into his stomach as we lock hands together. He grabs my arms swinging me into the girls knocking them on there backs. I stand up as he punches me in my face as I stumble back falling down on one knee.

Demetrius in his dragon humanoid form charges at him as he punches him hard in his face. Jal gets sent flying backwards as he rolls over repeatedly before standing back up. "Sucker punched?" He asked Demetrius as they were both mugging each other. "Shut up. You jumped me!" Demetrius sprints after jal as jal does the same as the two dragon men collide with each other.

The two dragon men brawling it out as I go check on Alx as she's in pain. "James... I cant... feel my legs." She tells me as tears fall from her eyes. She was barely conscious as I approached her. I remembered future Alx told me that present day Alx likes me. "It's okay. I'm here." I assured her as I pick her up bridal style carrying her in my arms.

Ava and Yasmine walks towards me as they watch Demetrius go toe to toe with Jal. He was having a hard time as Jal was growing stronger. "We have to get that crown off his head." Yasmine said as she watches Jal slam Demetrius down before he gets up and slams him down as well.

"James this out of our league. I'll take Alx away from here." Ava tells me as I nod my head at her as she grabs Alx out of my arms. She places a kiss on my lips in front of Yasmine as I don't kiss back. I knew I had a kid... Mia was the mother of my child. Ava wasn't who I was meant to be with and we both knew that. Ava takes Alx and speeds off using her super speed to get away from the battle.

"So you and church girl got together... that's nice." Yasmine says softly as I can sense the jealousy in her voice. "Not now, Yasmine." I tell her as she rolls her eyes at me before she starts to hiss. Her fingers falling apart as her body ignites in flames. I look at her confused as to what's happening as her skin shreds to pieces.

She screams as she grows wings from her back as her body turned black. She grew fur on her skin as her eyes were dark red. Her appearance was still human but her body was covered in fur. She was a bat. A human bat. A bat woman. So this was a vampires real power. I never seen her in this form. Her transformation was astonishing.

She takes off into the air as her wings flap hard as she charges at Jal. She kicks him hard Into his chest once he had Demetrius pinned. He got sent flying back knocking down a couple trees. He stands up looking at her as his frown grew more thick. "Insects all of you. I end this NOW!" Jal snaps as he grits his teeth before snapping his fingers together as everything went silent.

"WHAT DID YOU DO!" Demetrius yells at him as Jal relaxes himself. Jal sprints towards Demetrius as he slams him back down pinning him on the ground with his foot on his chest. The trees started to burn as everything caught on fire. The ground had turned warm as it started to burn hot. The skies turning purple as the birds fell dead from the skies.

I look at Yasmine as she looks at me as everything was on fire. Yasmine bursts into the air flapping her wings hard as she hovers above us. "Oh my God." Yasmine said her voice shaking as I look at Jal. "WHAT DID YOU DO!" I snapped at Jal as he grins menacingly once more. "Everything's on Fire James... houses... streets... even the ocean." Yasmine said landing beside me as I stare down Jal.

"I just want to watch this world burn." He said as Demetrius grabs his legs. Yasmine and I charge at him as we attack him together. He swings a punch at me as I slow down time moving out of the way. I cock my fist back using my new dragons strength to punch him his throat. He gasps for air as Yasmine kicks him in his stomach as Demetrius body slams him on his neck.

The crown falls off of Jal's head as Demetrius grabs him by his legs. He swings him around before sending him flying far from our reach.

He gets up as he looks around smiling as everything was on fire. He did it... it makes sense now why the future was destroyed. That crown was powerful.

"Stop it. You can't defeat me." Jal insisted as Demetrius and Yasmine stand by my side. "Maybe so. But you don't have your crown." I tell him as he pats his head to feel the crown not on him. I show him the crown as i possessed it in my hands. His eyes widen as realization hits him like a truck.

He charges at us as I place the crown on my head. "Wait James... you can't use it." Demetrius warned me but I didn't listen. I snapped my fingers thinking of the world before he destroyed it. Everything returning back to normal as the fires were gone. I fall down on my knees as Jal stops charging as he watches me.

"Only dragon men can bare this power. Your going to die." Jal tells me as my fur fades into the wind as I shrink down back to my human body. I fall down on my back as I look up the sky as I can feel my life slowly leaving this world. "I'll give you two five minutes. Only because he had the balls to use the crown. After that... I'm going to finish what I started... I'm going to burn this world again. No matter who tries to use the crown I'll just burn it again. And again. And again." Jal stated as I looked at Demetrius and Yasmine.

The woman i used to love... a scary looking bat woman. My best friend... a scary looking reptilian man. And me... who can turn into a big scary wolf man. None of us are normal... we don't know what it's like to be human. We've been cursed.

Demetrius and Yasmine turned back to their human forms as I blink my eyes at them. "This is it... huh." I tell them as I accept my death as a smile forms on my face. "James... why?" Yasmine asked me as my body feels light. "So this is what it feels like." I Said still smiling as I remember when I was suicidal. I couldn't die... but here I am, dying.

Demetrius POV

Blood starts to spill from his mouth as I looked at my best friend. The only friend that I really made in this world besides the girls. First Zack now you, James. I didn't want to tell you how upset I was at you for using the crown. I hold onto his hand as Yasmine does the same with the other one.

He shakes his hand in mine as he looks back up at me. "Mia... the mermaid girl... is pregnant with my child." He tells me as I stare into his eyes. "Look after them." He tells me as he closes his eyes. "I still... love you." Yasmine said as tears fell down her face. As soon as the words were said his head snapped back and James finally left existence.

James is dead.

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