Love at first sight

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James POV

3 weeks later

I walk to class with Ava's hand in mine as we don't talk to each other passing groups of people in the hallway. "Who were those guys?" Ava asked breaking the silence between us. "I don't know." I respond as she looks at me uneasily before letting my hand go. "You haven't texted me in weeks... the only time we talk is here at school." Ava says as I sigh to myself growing irritation. "Shut up Ava." I tell her as she stops causing me to look at her. "I want to break up." She says as I feel nothing to that response completely numb to her words. "Thats fine." I say before walking off as she doesn't follow me as I decide to skip class. I'm too busy battling thoughts in my head to think about some girl.

"Hey Big bro." My sister says walking up to my table I was sitting at at lunch. "Daiya." I replied as she sits down as Malia appears as well sitting down. "Heard you got dumped." Malia says as I ignored her thinking about that big bastard that shot me. "JAMES!" Daiya screams as I jump up before getting irritated. "What?" I say with a attitude as she rolls her eyes. "I've been talking for five minutes now and you haven't heard a word I said." Malia says as I observe her. "What are you doing here?" I asked her realizing Malia is here. "Derek has a issue that needs to be solved in considering your the strongest of us he wants you to see what's happening." Malia stated as I sigh rubbing my hands In my face. "Fine." I mumbled to myself.


"What do you want." I ask Derek as he looks at me with a look of restraint. "The hunters that were sent to kidnap you have a Group of vampire teens imprisoned." He says as I look at him with a look of disgust. "Fuck them." I say walking off as I head back home. I return to my apartment as I get a call from Daiya. "Hell..." I was interrupted by yelling in the background. "Daiya!" I say as I quickly head towards the hospital. "James... I don't think she's going to make it." Daiya says sobbing as I sprint faster feeling my feet hitting the ground as I refused to let my anger out and morph into my wolf body. By the time i make it my grandmother is looking thinner than usual. I feel heart broken as I move pass nurses and my sister. "Do it James." Daiya says to me as I immediately knows what she's talking about.

I look at the nurses as they look at me confused as to what she's talking about. "Grandma, I'm going to take your pain away." I tell her as she looks at me with a smile that I haven't seen in forever as a tear falls from my left eye. I grab her hand gently as I focus my energy into her body as I observe her illness into mine. It hurts me but it's working she's getting her health back as she finally releases a long breath. "How?" She asked me finally able to speak as Daiya jumps up and down in joy rushing to her side. She was moving now on her own being able to walk and talk. I did it.

A month later

I wake up smelling the scent of pine trees in my arms as I look down to see Malia naked against my naked body. Fuck. I start to remember last night as me and Daiya had been throwing parties all month. We were happy that grandma was finally out of the hospital. We were getting wasted and ignoring all the bad shit that was happening in the real world. For once everything was going my way Minus the fact I was ignoring Ava's texts and Derek's howls. I start to remember what had happened last night as Malia was kissing all on me at Daiya's hotel party. We were both drunk off of all the cocktails and vodka shots they had. I took her back to my apartment without thinking enjoying her little freaky ass.

I was deep in her hitting it hard as she was growling my arm around her neck as I had her in a headlock. Squeezing her throat harder as she wouldn't stop cumming and shaking. Felt like the night wouldn't end but it did. A loud knock on the door wakes her up as she sniffs and I smell it to. "What is she doing here." I say to myself face palming my face as Malia puts on her panties and walks towards the door. "Stop." I whisper loudly trying to stop her as I get up but it was too late. "Um... where's James?" Ava asked as I appeared behind Malia realizing I was naked. Ava couldn't hold the tears in as she started crying before walking away from the door. "Why the fuck did you do that?" I growled at Malia as she huffs and ignored me. "I want you." She says seductively trying to get me back in the bed as she motions me with her finger. "Get out." I tell her as she looks at me with disbelief.

She doesn't argue with me Instead she grabs her clothes and walks out the door. I've been slacking lately I need to get off my ass. What the fuck am I doing? I need to help this world full of monsters and evil people. I grab my clothes and head to the beach as I approach Derek he has a faint look of exhaustion. "What's wrong with you?" I asked as he stands up as the chair he was sitting in falls over. "They killed them James. Those teens. Well it's one left she's the daughter of the over lord he's practically a God of all vampires." Derek says as I shrug my shoulders. "If it's that big of a deal why doesn't he get his daughter back?" I asked him. "He tried. Too many lights it's a damn solar panel over there. They're cooking the hell out of them. I had Leon patrol the area but he hasn't returned." Derek says as I finally come to my senses. "Fine. But I'm not doing it for you. Or that fucking Dracula God or what ever he is." I say as I take off my jacket and shirt as i run out the door phasing into my wolf body once I was out my pants. It's been awhile since I've transformed and it feels like the first time I did it.


I make it to a big mansion the fence is covered with spot lights that are burning hot. It's nothing but skeletons and bones surrounding the mansion. Which means who ever tried to go against them has failed. I walk the perimeter searching the bodies seeing countless vampire skeletons. I can tell by the lack of blood who are what and how they died. From arrows to sun rayed beams from the spotlights. I'm surprised I haven't been spotted as I make a stop. Leon. He was dead. His wolf body ripped to shreds as if someone took a blade and opened him up. A whimpered from behind me was sounding off as I looked at Derek and Malia in their wolf forms. They followed me. Probably assumed I would die. No. They knew Leon hadn't make it.

The lights were shut down and cut off and it was completely dark as a girl had walked out the front entrance doors. I turned back into my human body as I leaped over the fence. I approached her watching the mansion blow up behind her as she smiled at the damage before turning around and seeing me nakedly walk towards her. She hissed at me as we made eye contact as my feet felt stuck in place. My heart dropped and stopped as i thought I might be having a heart attack.

Everything went away as she returned the look I was giving her not moving as our minds connected. "Yasmine." I said realizing her name based off of her appearance. She stood at least 5'7 and her skin was light toned she must've been brown skinned before she got turned into a vampire. Her hair was long and curly and her lips were perfectly rounded with the skinniest body with the nicest curves. Her eyes were brown and sharp as they pierced my soul. "James." She said causing me to wake up from my trance as I hear Derek and Malia's howls in the distant. They didn't matter anymore as Yasmine started to walk towards me, I think I love her. I think she loves me.

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