Ava's Best friend

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"There's been enough violence today." The cheetah woman tried to reason with us as Dana rolled her eyes. "Let's get this over with." Dana said as the cheetah lady stood in her way. "STOP!" She yelled at us as I grew irritation. James was behind her laying unconscious and I needed to sink my teeth in his chest. "Why are you doing this?" She asked me.

"He broke my heart." I responded before punching her directly in her nose. The punch broke her face as she was bleeding from the impact. Dana punched her in her jaw knocking her on her back, finally unconscious. "Had she not fought that shark man she probably would've took us both Down." Dana stated. "Her transformation is almost as strong as a werewolf's." She continued as we approached James.

"I really don't care. Fuck her." I said as my fangs emerged from my mouth. "Stop... don't." The dread headed man said as he crawled his way over to us. His body had turned pale as he looked as if he was on the urge of dying. "Should we Kill him too?" I asked Dana as she shook her head no. "Looks like when James was rampaging he tried to stop him. As a result he got poisoned by James's bite. The venom will surely kill him." Dana said as we turned our attention back to James.

He looked like he had been through a lot. His right eye was gone as his body continued to heal. What have you been doing James?

I kneel down kissing his forehead as he had been burnt to a crisp but was still healing. His skin had returned to its regular tone as I take a good look at him. Before I could do damage to the boy I've known for almost my whole life, I stop. I start to think about us when we were kids. How did we get to this point of our lives.

8 years ago

James had just got dumped by Layla Tanner the most popular girl in the school. He was dealing with it hard considering her popularity boosted his ego. Everyone was talking about it, everyone except me. We had been friends for awhile because of our parents. Well my mother and his grandmother. My dad didn't really care about what I do, seems like he only paid attention to my younger brother. He just wanted someone he could rely on to take over his dumb company.

And I was too focused on becoming a nurse instead of an architect. James had stopped talking to me after him and Layla got together. He started to hang with new people, her friends. I didn't really socialize with a lot of people so I stayed to myself. He invited me to go to their parties but it wasn't my type of scene. That was the only time he would talk to me too, wouldn't bother to look my way in person. Until now.

We were sitting down in class and he had his head down. I pat his back as he took a deep breath. "Why are you so bothered about her... you've dated other girls in the past." I told him as he shrugged. "I thought she was the one for me." He said as I felt some type of way at the time not realizing it was jealousy. "Well she's not." I told him as he nodded his head looking at me with those mysterious brown eyes. You could see stories in his eyes but only if he allowed you to.

"I'm sorry I haven't been talking to you anymore." He said as the teacher turned her head to us signaling us to be quiet. "As long as you don't do it again, I'm fine." I told him as he nodded his head giving me a weak smile. "My best friend?" He said holding his hand out balling it up leaving out a pinky. "Your best friend." I said as I connected my pinky with his. After that day we were stuck together like glue. We would always talk and hang out a lot before I was told by my dad we had to move.

3 years ago

"Dad. Can we stop by the hospital." I asked my dad as he was driving and I noticed we were near the building James's grandmother had been placed. "No. We have to get home to your little brother. We're late and Dana has to get back home." He said as my face fell down as I saddened not being able to comfort my best friend in his time of need. "Ronald, go to the hospital." My mother said as my dad sighed before turning the car around.

Soon we was in the building as my mother talked to the secretary as she pointed towards the room he was in. A doctor had told James we were here as he came out eyeing me down. We haven't seen each other in months. And I had grown a lot so my body had grown as well. I noticed how he was looking at me. But I don't think he noticed how relieved and happy I was to be in his presence again. Just that brief ten minutes felt like a hour with him.

Then I found out he was a werewolf and after that everything changed.

Present day

"I can't kill him." I tell Dana as I look her in her eyes. "Why not." She asked as her eyes glowed cat like yellow. "Because he's my best friend." I said as James opened his eye before turning his head slowly to look at me. A tear fell down from his left eye as I stood up. "Fine. I'll do it myself." Dana said as she took out a silver knife drawing down on him as I tackled her on the ground. "Get off me Ava! I need to take out his other eye!" Dana snapped at me as I continued to fight her.

We wrestled for the blade as she head butts me in my face and throws me off of her. She ran towards him as I grabbed her ankle causing her to trip and fall as I climbed on top of her. I wrap my hands around her neck squeezing it tightly as we stare into each other's eyes. "I... thought... I.... was your best friend." Dana said as I ripped her head from her neck beneath my palms as I took a deep breath. "You were." I said to my now lifeless vampire friend.

I had to. I told myself as I looked at the headless corpse. Before I knew it I was wrapped into a big hug as James was on me. His body was hot from being burnt as he held me as I embraced and hugged him back. "I'm sorry I haven't been talking to you anymore." He said as I grinned knowing he was calling back to the past. "It's fine. Long as you don't do it again." I said as he let me go looking me in my eyes. "Let's go home." He said as I nodded my head as we looked back at the two people he had met. "Oh shit. Demetrius!" James Said as he went to help the dread head. "I can help him... but it might turn him into a vampire." I told him as James looked at me unsure.

"It's... fine. My mother is a vampire." Demetrius said as James had this look of confusion. I look at the dead bodies as the shark man and Dana had been decapitated. "No more people are going to die today." I said as I took my fangs and bit into where James had bit Demetrius. I feel a disgusting taste as I suck the venom out of his body as he growls in pain. The venom was out of his body as he was breathing better now. "Thank you." He said as the cheetah woman started to wake up.

Her face completely healed. She looked around before seeing Dana decapitated. "James. Please tell me I get to kill her too." She said as I raised my brows as James jumped in front of me. "Touch her and I'll break your back like a Kit Kat bar." James said as the two stared each other down before Demetrius stood between them.

"Enough fighting guys. Let's go home." He said as everybody released the animosity that was in the air.

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