The Final Battle

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Demetrius POV

I picked up the crown off of the ground as I can feel my blood boiling hot. James sacrificed his self unintentionally saving millions and billions of people. I can't let his sacrifice be for nothing... it won't be for nothing. I placed the crown on my head as it's power surges through me.

"Your five minutes is up." Jal stated as he started to approach me and Yasmine. We were the last people remaining in his way. "Your going to die." Yasmine told him as he laughed hysterically. "Your not strong enough to kill me. Your both too weak." He told us as  my heart started to pound in my chest.

Time slowing down as I was livid... James is dead.

That selfish bastard... how could he do that.

I punch the ground as Jal continued to walk towards us. I'm pissed.

My mind races thoughts of James as I stare at his lifeless body. His corpse. How could you die... why James. Ugh. I feel guilty. I'm sorry.

"Demetrius he's coming!" Yasmine told me as I stand up as I narrow my brows to look at Jal. He stops his tracks to stare at me back. Tears staining my face without my realization as I grew hatred for this man. "Your a monster Jal." I told him as he grinned sinisterly. "I'm going to stop you." I tell him as he takes a deep breath before his body transformed into larger horns. My body transformed into thicker scales as we charged at each other again.

He slams me down as he looks at Yasmine as she was looking down at James. Her guard was down as he inhaled before exhaling a blast of fire at her. My heart pounding as she was about to die. Time started to slow down as I was in front of her without realizing. I grabbed her pulling her away from the blast as Jal frowns. "Die!" He spat before blasting fire everywhere from his mouth.

Yasmine looks down on the ground as she quickly picked up something. "NO! YOU!" Yasmine screamed at him literally charging into the fire as she burned her self. Yasmine was burning as fire was one of her weakness. She was killing herself as she stabbed him with a piece of the broken sword. The tip of the dragon bones sword. Jal gasp as the blade went into his throat.

Yasmine fell down on her face as she struggled to get up. She had been burnt to a crisp. I looked at Jal as he was weakened. One impale and he should be dead right? That's how it works. He was bleeding as he took the blade out his neck as he coughed up blood. "It's over Jal." I told him as he gasped weakly before laughing. "Son of Drogan... let me tell you about the crown. Let me tell you why you aren't worthy of bearing it." He spits out blood as he looks up at me.

"You have to possess a strong will and determination. The dragons are the only beings strong enough to bear this power. Once this crown is on our heads all it takes is a snap... one snap and that desire is ours. The crown grants wishes... I wished for immortality. I'll never die." Jal stated as I started to grow annoyance.

"There are fates worse than death." I warned him as he grabbed the blade pulling it out his neck. "You'll never get this chance again." Jal said as he pushed his self up to face me once more. I looked down at Yasmine as she was still breathing. I looked at James as Jal looked at me. "Tell me can I revive him?" I asked pointing at James's body.

"Now why would I tell you that. Your trying to kill me." He said before punching me in my face knocking me backwards. I roll into the dirt as the force of the punch knocked the wind out of me. He starts to sprint my way as I stand up readying to battle this man. One last time.

We run towards each other clashing as we both punched each other. Neither of us budging as we rub our fists into each other's faces. I punched him in his stomach as I send another punch at his jaw as he got knocked back flying. My wings bursting out of my back as I flew after him. I rushed and slammed him down towards the ground. He was covered in mud as the rain started to pour down even harder.

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