New Alpha

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James POV

My eyes opened up as I see I was being carried by someone. My head hurt as I look around to see all the vampires gathered around. They were looking like they were praising something. "You've finally awoken." Ajax said as I hop off his shoulder landing on my feet. I look where everyone else is looking and to my surprise it was Yasmine. She wasn't smiling as her clothing was very dark. She wore a black dress with a dark red cloak surrounding her. "What happened to you?" I asked her walking up to her as she stared me down looking me in my eyes. "I evolved." She stated. She didn't even feel like Yasmine as we weren't linked anymore. She was just another girl... or spirit to me.

"My feelings for you... there gone... but I still love you. Do you still love me?" I asked her as she stood still staring me down blankly. "I do not." She didn't hesitate to answer as she stared directly into my eyes when she said it. It stung me as I was confused as to how she could be so cold all of a sudden. "She's a True Death Angel now. She has no feelings. No emotion. She is no longer human. That was the curse I put on her. If Andrew died she would take over and be a better Death Angel." Thanatos said as I immediately started to shake and feel anger take over my body. "Calm down James." Yasmine said in a relaxing tone as I took a deep breath.

"You'll imprint again. As cliche as this sounds... it's not you. It's me." She said as I shook my head. I can't believe I'm hearing this. I spent so much time with her and all of a sudden she's lost her heart. "Yasmine that's fucked up. I was just starting to get used to you." Daiya said as she was back in her human form. "I mourned for you." I said my voice sounding like it was about to crack. Damn. "I was with Child." She said as I felt like a thousand needles were attacking me from the inside out. "I lost our child." Yasmine said as i looked at her with a straight face. A tear fell down from my left eye. "Oh man... I'm sorry James." Daiya said as she looked at me with the most sincere look in her eyes. "Since it was a new soul. It did no wrong and was pure innocent. I'm giving it to you Daiya." Yasmine said as she held her hand out as a orb of electricity formed into a ball. She flicked it at Daiya as it electrocuted her.

She started to shake and jerk as she was slowly becoming human. Flesh started to form around the spirit of Daiya as she looked at me. And a bright flash of light blinded all of us as Daiya had been brought back to life. Daiya ran up to me hugging me hard as I hugged her back. "Shit fuck! I can feel again." Daiya said before turning her head back to Yasmine. "Thank you." She told her as Yasmine nodded. "You were pregnant and you didn't even tell me." I said feeling betrayal as I stared at Yasmine. "Goodbye James." Yasmine said snapping her fingers as me and Daiya were teleported back to my cabin house. "The fuck." I said as I looked at Daiya. "Teleport us back!" I told her as she grabbed my shoulder closing her eyes concentrating hard. I was expecting that poof sound but nothing happened.

"I can't teleport." Daiya said as I looked at her with such confusion. "Damn. I really liked her too. You are so never going to find such a badass girl like her again." Daiya teased as I just sat on the couch. The same couch Yasmine would watch her shows on. I felt sick to my stomach. "Like bro. You missed it. She turned into some type of fire woman and was straight kicking that death guys ass." Daiya said as she went in the kitchen grabbing a 2 liter bottle of sprite. She down the whole thing in one gulp. "All of that teleporting and fighting made me thirsty." She said as she sat next to me on the couch. I didn't say a word as I just sat there looking at the wall.

"How are we going to explain to Grandma I'm alive again?" She asked but I just didn't have the energy or motivation to speak. "You'll find someone better big brother." Daiya said as I looked down feeling empty as I couldn't think about anything else. "She was a princess. There is nothing better than that." I said as I went to my room shutting the door.

Two years later

Daiya POV

I had just turned 19 it was April 20th and I wanted to do something for my birthday. James said I couldn't hang out with my old friends because they seen me in my casket. Which is not even fair because I didn't ask to die. Yasmine and James had broke up and he was taking it really hard. I haven't seen him since that day she snapped us back to earth. But while I been alive for the past two years, I been hanging out with Malia. She was really happy to see me alive. Like I mean she really cried and hugged me so tight I thought I was going to pop like a jack in the box. She said I was stuck in her mind and that she can finally be at ease now that I'm back alive. We were at Malia's boyfriends house talking and laughing when we heard a howl from the woods.

We walked outside as we looked at each other as we took off our clothes. "He hasn't howled in years. I wonder what he wants." Malia said as she started to change into her wolf body. James didn't know I was hanging with Malia but I knew he wouldn't care. After all she would be my responsibility if she tried anything stupid. I wasn't worried because I had a transformation the Others didn't. I transform into my wolf body as we started to race towards the howl on our paws. We finally made our way to the cabin house as James puts on his clothes.

He turned around to reveal... a beer belly. He had gotten fat and his beard was long and matted. His Afro grew longer but was slick back and placed into a man bun. He looked like a hippy if they were popular in today's era. All the wolves were looking in confusion as he popped a flavored vodka and a beer can open and started drinking. We had strong immune systems so we couldn't get drunk. So we were all confused on how he could have let this happen to himself.

I was disappointed in my big brother... but I understand.

"Listen. I don't want to be your alpha anymore. I'm done. Fuck this life. Daiya is your Alpha now." He said as i just stared at him as he gave me a sly smile before walking into his cabin house. As he shut the door I looked around to see all the other wolves kneeling their head down in respect. Malia looked at me surprised before kneeling her head down as well.

I'm the Alpha now.

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