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Me and Dana were outside in her car getting High out of our mind. Dana lit the backwoods up every one I rolled with nothing but straight weed in it as she inhaled. Once she exhaled she passes it to back to me while smoking the other blunt in her hand.
"Shit. *cough* *cough* That is some good shit." I said catching my breath. "This is light." Dana said emotionless as I just looked at her. We done smoked ten blunts for a whole hour straight talking about lord knows what. She was still herself, but me? I'm so high out of my mind that I might be paranoid.

"Do your parents know your a vampire?" Dana asked as she took another puff. "No. Does yours?" I asked her as she shook her head no. "How did you become one in the first place?" She asked as I remember it all happening. "I slept with this guy named Randal and he happened to be a vampire. He lost control of his urges and bit me." I said as she shook her head. "What?" I asked as she sighed smoking more this time inhaling more than the last couple times. "It's always a guy. I had got raped by this... this shy kid. At least i thought he was a shy kid. One night I was coming home from babysitting your little brother Ethan." Dana says pausing as she just stares at the rolled up medication. She turnt her radio up a little bit some hardcore rock was playing loud enough for her to hear.

"He grabbed me. Little scrawny kid. I tried to fight him but he was just too strong. I didn't know he was a vampire. That's why it was so hard to restrain it from happening. Then he bit me and left me to die on that cold concrete." She said as I feel sympathetic as she looks up at me. "So. I got thirsty I needed blood in order to get mine back flowing. I didn't want to hurt anybody. But his family. They were human." She said as I looked at her like she was crazy. "You killed them." I said as she nodded her head yes. "He came back. And he immediately tried to kill me but this time I was stronger than him. He died." She said as we sat in the car for awhile in silence.

After a few minutes we were back smoking and getting higher our eyes were red and I was starting to gain the munchies. But my hunger wasn't for food. "Let's go feed on someone. I'm starving." I said as Dana looked at me and shook her head. "No." She responded as I looked at her with a look of impatience. "We are literally mosquitoes." I insisted. "A little bite to the wrist won't hurt nobody." I bargained as she remained with her attitude. "What is with you guys. Every vampire I meet doesn't want to feast on humans. Isn't that the whole idea of being a vampire." I said before turning back face forward in my seat.

"Look. There is a lot going on right now that you don't understand." Dana said as I looked at her puzzled. "What?" I asked as she rolled her eyes. "If you want to be all satanic and drink on humans or any other mythical creature you can go to the castle in the Eternal realm." Dana said as I'm trying to figure out what the hell she is talking about. "You know. A big ass fortified castle." She continued as I wasn't making any sense of anything she was saying. "The castle of the princess. You know the one your ex boyfriend been sleeping around with." She said as I immediately grew irritated. "Oh." I said as I tried to ignore her words as they were now sinking in my head.

"That bitch has to die." I said to myself as Dana heard me. "You know. She's not as perfect as she plays to be." Dana said as she turned her head looking out the window looking at the car past by. "Explain." I said as she turned her head to look at me. "Every guy she's slept with has eventually died. Coincidence? I think the fuck not." She said as I looked at her with a look of disbelief. "How do you know all of this?" I asked her as she finally stopped smoking putting out the last blunt into the cop holder. "I have to make sure I know what's going on in case the court of abomination decides to come looking for me." Dana stated. I done learned a lot just in one day.

"Well. Looks like I really am going to bury James right next to Daiya." I said as I pulled out my phone. Poof. "Bury who?" A female voice spoke as I jumped up dropping my phone. I looked back and I see... Daiya. "Okay. I'm really high." I said as I started to get out the car. Dana got out too as she looked at Daiya. "No. It's a ghost... it's that one girl you was with that one time." Dana said as I looked at her with assurance.

Daiya had got out the car once we got out but she didn't open the door she just... walked out. "A ghost?" I asked as Dana nodded. "So your telling me vampires and werewolves... your okay with that. You can sleep easily at night knowing those are lurking around. But you see a ghost and now your pussy." Daiya says as I throw a rock at her but it goes through her and smashes right into Dana's window.

"Dude." Dana said walking to her car to look at the damage. The light from upstairs turned on as my little brother woke up. "Your buying me a new window." Dana said before walking into the house to continue babysitting. "It must sucks knowing my brother has moved on. And you haven't." She said as I walked up to her getting in her face. Not that it mattered considering I couldn't touch her, since she's a ghost. "Why are you here Daiya go haunt someone else." I said as she rolled her eyes playing in her hair. "I heard my name being mentioned and it's rare to hear my name nowadays, because it seems like everyone forgot about me." She said as she finally looked at me as she looked like she seen a ghost. The irony. "Daiya say something." I said as she had her eyes glued behind me as I looked back.

I immediately had the same reaction as a tall figure was lurking in front of us. Sitting down on a skeleton throne as he wore an all black cloak and had a sickle blade as long as a sword. It was a Scythe the weapon stood at least 7 feet tall. As he stood up his face and hands finally revealing a skeleton man. His cloak glowing and igniting in flames.

"Daiya Michelle Moxs. Your Soul is Mine." He stated as I gulp feeling the pressure rise.

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