Now or Never

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Act 6, The Future

James POV

Malia leads the way as we arrived to my grandmothers neighborhood in our wolf bodies. People were still out watching the roads, as me and Malia walked towards the scent of my sister. "God damn that's a big Ass wolf." A man nearly screams as I don't turn my attention to him. "Mason get over here, get out of the streets." A mother shouts at her son as everyone gets their phones out and start to record us. "James... why are we not in the shadows?" Malia asked me as I keep walking forward. "Because the world already knows we exist." I tell her as I take the lead charging off along side with her. We were two big wolves the size off lions and horses sprinting besides cars.

I could hear Malia's thoughts as our minds were still linked together. I could see inside her mind as she thought about the night we had sex. The night was so aggressive and wild you could tell we were both drunk. Her heart broken when she founded out I had imprinted on Yasmine, a vampire. Her and Derek being secretive lovers despite the age gap. And then I seen what really happened that day. Daiya's death replaying in her mind forever haunting her. She didn't have any part of it... but she could have tried to stop him as well.

Immediately her mind rushes with happy memories of her and Daiya. Those two spent a lot of time together while I was away. It's almost as if they were made for each other the way they got along. "Malia. I didn't know you liked girls." I tell her as we continued to sprint faster on our paws. "I didn't... but she means something to me." She tells me as we see a bunch of cars scattered around in a circle. The men turn their heads to us as we finally reach the scene. A lot had happened as Malia approached an unconscious Daiya. I see my grandmother is restrained as she looks at me with confusion.

She didn't want to believe I was this beast of an animal, but here I was. "Grandson? Is that you?" She asks as I feel my fur fading into my body the rest brushing off in the wind. My fangs fall out and my human teeth grow back into my mouth. I stand on my two feet as the men and suits look at me amazed. "Permission to engage on target?" One of the men speak onto his walkie talkie as I hold my hands up surrendering. "No. Hold fire." A Caucasian woman with brunette hair walks up to me as she takes off her sunglasses.

"I'll turn myself in. You can do what ever you want to me. Just let my baby sister and my grandmother go."  I tell the woman as she slowly reaches for her gun as I can read her intentions. "You don't have to be scared of me. I'm surrendering." I tell her as I fall on my knees as Malia looks at me with confusion. She barks and growls something but I couldn't understand her in my human form. "A lot of people from your old high school said that man on the news was you, James Moxs. Seeing what you can do in person just makes things more complicated." She says as she puts on her sunglasses as the men draw their weapons on me. "James, do something!" Malia begs as she stood in her human body. She had desperation in her eyes as she was counting on me.

"Stop!" A African man with a scar on his face emerges as he was carrying Daiya on his shoulder. He was tall and wore a black suit with a trench coat to match. I could tell he was the boss of this whole organization. "Excuse my partner, Mr. Moxs." He says as he raised his hand and all the men lowered their weapons. "We are apart of the organization C.o.a, Court of Abominations." He goes on as he hands Daiya over to the woman as he fixes his suit. "Let her go!" Malia was fast as her mind was made up as she stood in front of the trench coated man. "Malia, stand down." I tell her gently as she ignores me she begins to throw a punch at him. Time slows down as I watch him dodge her attack, he then proceeds to swipes his hand in air. As if he was slapping away a fly buzzing in his face, she disappeared. Malia was gone.

"WHAT DID YOU DO!" I scream at the top of my lungs as I get up on my feet. "I simply sent her forward in time. You see I can do that. Because my powers revolve around reality. Reality can be what ever I want it to be. I'm Mr. Cosmo and this is my partner G9. She's an Android meaning I created her and as you can tell by my appearance, I'm a vampire. Your mortal enemy." He tells me as I turn my attention to my grandmother as she nods her head  at me. "Where did you send Malia?" I ask him as he turns his back on me. "We really don't need you we have your sister to experiment on." Cosmo says as they head towards their SUVs.

I feel my teeth growing into canine fangs as my skin starts to peel off. Eyes glowing hot red as my vision starts to burn. My bones restructuring as I scream out in pain as my fur starts to grow on my body. "I WILL... NOT... LET YOU HARM... MY ONLY FAMILYYY!" I snarl before releasing a growl as I stand in front of them in my wolf body. "Kill him." Cosmo said as the men start to shoot at me, I leap on a car using my agility to avoid their bullets. One scraping my leg as I feel the burn sting my hind. I look at Daiya noticing the silver surrounding her neck as I had to avoid their weaponry. I stand on my hind legs as I focus on evolving my transformation. I had turned into the wolf man as this form only made me angrier.

Time slows down as I could feel his intentions as I used this to my advantage. For some reason his powers weren't affecting me. I use my claws to dig my nails deep into the men's throat. One by one as they were frozen in time. Time continues as I look at Mr. Cosmo, I was breathing aggressively as the bodies drop. I had killed them all. "What! How?" He said as i growl showing my teeth. "I'm stronger than I ever was." I tell him my voice sounding demonic because of the form I was in. "G9! Kill him." Cosmo says getting desperate as the blonde android woman dropped Daiya. She then proceeds to throw her sunglasses on the ground stepping on them. Her arm transforming into a blade, a silver blade. Shit.

"Move James!" A feminine voice says as I got pushed hard out of the way of the upcoming attack. Malia? No it was Ava. What is she doing here. The two women started to fight each other as G9 kept trying to make her way towards me. Ava grabs her by her neck putting her in a headlock as the two slam each other repeatedly. I turn my attention back to Mr. Cosmo as I charge at him with my teeth and claws out. His face fearful as he immediately held his hand in the air swiping it like before. I had been sent to the future as I landed on hard concrete ground. I transformed back to my human body as I stand up looking around. "Malia!" I said happy to see that she was okay as she was talking to a teenage female.

"Whose that?" I asked her as she turned her head to look at me. "She's your daughter." Malia said as confusion and doubt fills my head.

"Well... whose your mother?" I asked.

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