The Trinity

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Demetrius POV

Genesis grew bone spikes on his back as my wings started to heal. I was circling him as Alx and James were fighting him on the ground. He had got stronger as we were fighting him. Seems like every wound Alx was inflicting was starting to heal immediately, Genesis punched her sending her flying back. She flips on her feet shifting into her cheetah woman form. I breathe fire on him attacking him from behind as he falls on one knee. He swings his arm up as a wave of water starts to build up from the ocean.

I spin into a circle shifting into my humanoid form in midair as I send my feet hard into his chest. He gets sent flying back as he digs his hands in the sand as he throws it in Alx's face as she jumps in the air swinging wildly at him. He grabs her throat slamming her down as James charges at him tackling him down hard. He uses James's momentum to flip him off of him. Here we are standing side by side staring him down. "This is the most fun I've had in years." I say as Alx shakes her head. "Back in the air dragon lord." She said as i take a deep breath not feeling the need to tell her I'm not the dragon lord yet.

I flap my wings as I rain fire on him sending fire balls out of my mouth. He holds his hands up in defense as I'm gaining the advantage. James grabs him from behind as Alx leaps on his chest. She digs her claws into the hole in his chest as he screams in agony. He spins in a circle sending both furry monsters into a rock. The mermaids were watching as they were far from the battle. He leaps in the air as I ball my fist up ready to knock him down.

But he throws sand in my eyes as my hands immediately focus on my eyes. I rub my eyes as he grabs me biting me on my shoulder hard. I fall down face first into the ocean as he started to rip my wings off of my back. I feel the layer of skin stretching as he tears it off completely. He chokes me under water as I swing my fist into his chest but they don't have the same affect as they would above surface. He grins as I start to lose breath as my ability to fly was taken from me.


"MIA! Help Drogan!" James directed me as I took a deep breath. I sprint towards the ocean diving into it as shift my legs into a tail. I see Drogan and Genesis fighting as I swim to their direction. Genesis was choking him as Drogan was punching him. His punches had no affect on him under water, so he had no advantage. I shift my tail into legs once I gain enough momentum as I charged at him flipping into a kick directly into his face. He lets go of Drogan as I grab him swimming to surface as he starts to breathe coughing up water.

"Are you oka..." I started to say as my leg was aggressively pulled as I sinked under water. Genesis snapped his jaws at me as I moved out of the way. I shift my legs into a tail as I dashed away from him as he followed me. I dodge his attacks as he tries to snap down on me. I swim up to surface as I'm back on my human feet. I run towards the other mermaids as I let the others handle this.

James POV

"You good bro?" I asked Demetrius as his back was bleeding. "I thought he was just a shark man... he's tougher than he looks." He said as his faces winces in pain. "Imma need you to pull through." I tell him as he shakes his head. "Easy for you to say wolf man... you didn't get your limbs ripped off." He says as he gets up on one knee but falls back. "It hurts like hell." He said as Genesis came back on land. Me and Alx stand side by side as I go right and she goes left.

We attack him as my claws dig deep into his chest and Alx's deep in his back. He fell on one knee as he swung a elbow at Alx's connecting in her face as she got knocked out. We stare at each other as I look at Alx whose unconscious and Demetrius whose wounded. "Know one hurts the people I care about and gets away with it. Your going to die. By me." I growl as we lunge at each other.

He head butts me as I flinch back and I bite into his arm. He punches me in my eye before biting hard on my shoulder. He punches me in my stomach as I double over as he grabs my tail and spins me around. He lets me go as I crash head into Demetrius as he got knocked back as well. "Damn bro!" He said as he pushed me off of him. I balance myself with my hands as I felt a kick pierce my ribs as I got sent flying over to the mermaids. They all gasp as we were in the same predicament we've been in.

"My wereshark abilities are way more dangerous than your werewolf form. Her werecheetah form. And his weredragon form. I'm tired of you. You have gotten in my way for the last time. I'm going to take everything from you. Just like you took Mia from me. And pretty soon She'll be dead too." He said as Mia looked at me with fear as I looked back at Alx who was starting to get up. Demetrius was starting to get up too but barely as his back was still in pain. I felt the smoke flow from my fur as my eyes started to burn hot. I stand up as I feel my fur start to fade as I look at my hands. My coat turned back into black as I looked at Genesis with so much rage. I could feel myself grow taller and more bulkier as I was starting to lose control of this form.

I charge at him my mind racing in a fury as I lost the abilty to think anymore. I couldn't control my attacks as I grabbed him by his legs. I had become stronger than him as I swung him around sending him crashing into a boulder. The boulder smashed into pieces as he started to get up. I smash his face in as throw my knee into his nose shattering his mouth. He grabs my arm as I bite his hand ripping it from his arm. He screams in agony as he shifts back into his human form. I grab him by his throat as I tossed him into another rock.

He was bleeding bad as everybody were gasping and whispering. I snarl my teeth as he was a human now, he's not so big and bad now is he. He holds his arm as it was leaking blood from his wrist. "Show me Mercy Wolf!" He said as I approached him. "That's enough James!" Demetrius said as I turn my head at him before ignoring him. I take my claws and with a swift motion I sliced his head right off his shoulders. His body dropped as his head rolled over to the mermaids.

It was done. Genesis had been killed. But why don't I feel better. I was trapped in this body as I watched myself move and acted. I was still angry inside as I had lost my mind. Death was consuming me as I wanted to continuously rip apart something. Someone.

"He's a monster." One of them said as they all started to show signs of being Afraid of me. I could smell the fear too. "Good riddance." Alx said as I turn my head to her. My mind was starting rage as Yasmine started to appear in my mind. Daiya too. I remember holding her dead body in my arms. She was cold. I remember how that made me feel. So angry. Vengeance clouded my mind. Yasmine died and turned into the death angel... pain clouded my judgment. My vision was red as everyone turned into demons. They needed to die.


"He doesn't look okay." Demetrius said as James swung aggressively at him sending him flying back into a rock. "Yea... he's not all right." Demetrius said rubbing his neck. James turned his attention to the mermaids as his claws extended as he walked towards them. "James?" Mia said as he slashed at her as she ducked. "He's lost control of his transformation!" I warned everybody as I charged at him as he turned his head punching me in my face knocking me back hard.

I wipe the blood from my nose off as I stare into his eyes. He looked at me with a look of realization before showing signs of anger again. "James... it's me Alx." I said as he swung his claw down on me as I roll out of the way. "Alx... we have a new threat now." Demetrius said as I sighed to myself before standing side by side with him against my friend.

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