The City Tour

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Tejasswi had a bad start to her day, but gradually she drowned herself in work.

She was planning her comeback with a blockbuster and was busy working on it all day long, discussing the details with her manager, Aneri, through calls and, at times, messages.

Finally, Tejasswi made a few decisions after spending a couple of hours on it and reading a few scripts. She got tired and laid down for a while to relax, but her phone rang, making her get up again.

'Mr. Money calling... Flashed on the screen.

"Ahh, why is he calling me now?" Karan's call reminded Tejasswi of last night's embarrassment.

She was hesitant for a long time before receiving the call, but ended up sliding the green button before it got missed.

"What took you so long?" Karan was stern as always, but he sounded irritated to Tejasswi.

'Perhaps I annoyed him when I was tipsy.' Tejasswi thought and bit her lower lips.

"Why did you call?"

"Get ready in an hour." Karan tossed an order.

'Oh gosh, now what is he up to after the so-called congratulatory party?'

"I don't want to go out."
Even though Tejasswi knew he would not buy her any decision, she has all rights to voice her opinion.

"It doesn't matter; you have to go out with me."

'No, I don't want to.' Tejasswi was embarrassed to face him since she found herself in a seductive night gown and had no recall of how she got into that.

"Fine....." Tejasswi reluctantly agreed and got up to change.

"How could you be so incompetent to not find a bollywood celebrity in the entire city when you have every detail of her?" Rohan yelled at his agent, pouring out his frustration at not getting hold of Tejasswi.

He has been trying to call her since the day before after being persuaded by Rashmi to ask her to clear his and Rashmi's names, but he couldn't get connected to her.

"Don't give me the excuses; get me the result."

He was pacing in his office, calling one or another person to ask Tejasswi's whereabouts and raging after every denial.

"Honey, call her manager; she knows every secret of Tejasswi, even more than you." Rashmi said, sitting royally on the couch and scrolling her phone.
"What do you think? I called Aneri first when I couldn't reach Tejasswi, but she too knows nothing." Rohan yelled and swayed his hand on the table, making a few things fall down.

Rashmi stood, startled, and sighed. "How could that be? Of course she is hiding it on purpose, perhaps upon Tejasswi's instructions."

Her only aim was to fuel Rohan's fire of rage and tear them apart.

"My bad, after rukchuks, in the event I should have followed her instead of you."

Rohan sat down on his office chair and held his head. He can't let Tejasswi walk out of his life.

"And you stop badmouthing her. I am already worried. Hell, if Teju watched the news, why didn't she contact me, at least to confront?"

Rashmi hated when Rohan sided with Tejasswi over her, but she couldn't trigger his anger. She slowly moved toward him, kept his head on the back post of the chair, and massaged it gently.

"Exactly; if she had watched the news, she would have grabbed your neck. She must be hiding somewhere to avoid paps."

Rashmi too wants Rohan to find Tejasswi, but she can't let him feel guilty for her and go to her.

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