Dinner With In-laws

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"Today we got to know many hidden truths; is there any more revelation, ma'am?" The interviewer asked

"I wasn't glad to keep such a thing, but my hands were tied." Tejasswi said it with remorse.

"Oh, I see, then, what made you reveal this now, publicly?"

"I am compelled." Tejasswi replied with a lot of thoughts.

She was actually pushed by Rohan to take this drastic step to control his wildness, but she was still hesitant to make her private life public.

"Compelled? That's shocking. Can you elaborate, please?"

"Ahh, I never imagined to bring this stuff of my life in front of an audience of the country, but I went through so much lately, which I am not comfortable disclosing."

"I just want to warn them through this channel about those who take advantage of their partner's blind trust in them. To be noted, it's not only for men but for women as well. Cheating was never a compulsion but an option."

"Don't cheat on your partner, even if you fall out of love. You have no right to deceive anyone, regardless of the reason, or else face the consequences. Pay a tenfold price for your odious deeds.' Tejasswi said with excitement in a quite high pitch.

"They thought I was a celebrity, a public figure, but I am not a pushover. I will not care about the damn image and fame and zipped my mouth over the wrong thing; I am a human first and a woman who can back at the person who plays with a woman like a toy."

Tejasswi ended her speech and realized her tears were rolling down her face. She was wiping her face, and the camera zoomed to the interviewer's face.

"This is huge, especially when it's coming from a celebrity who staked her image and spoke the truth. Cheating is never a compulsion, but an option. Thank you so much, Tejasswi, for being with us today."

The camera once again turned to Tejasswi, who was looking better after a touch-up and thanked the interviewer and audience before signing off.

"Teju, wasn't that a dangerous stunt to pull? If Rohan will react with your pictures with Mr. Kundrra?" Aneri asked while walking behind Tejasswi, heading out of the News Today office building.

"I won't spare him a moment to even breathe, let alone think about revenge." Tejasswi said while striding with a stiff face.

She checked her wrist watch; it's already quarter to 10. She had to have her first meal with Karan's family at 9 p.m.

"It's too late." Tejasswi bid adieu to Aneri and hopped in the car. "Drive me to Pali Hill, fast."

"It's disgusting and outrageous; how could she discuss her private life in front of many people?" Rajesh stood up and yelled in rage.

Karan rubbed his forehead again and switched off the TV.

"That's wrong for me as well, Karan." Anjana expressed her dislike in a polite way.

Karan looked at her and sighed. He ignored Rajesh but couldn't ignore Anjana.

"Grandma, she is a celebrity and a woman. In every step of her life, she has people all around to judge her and pull her down. If she wouldn't act now and come clean, she would be blamed for the break-up, even though she was cheated."

"You are sounding like there is something we don't know yet." Rajesh asked tentatively.

"Tejasswi said everything; she didn't hesitate to reveal, and now let's respect her privacy. Karan retorted.

"So there is something...

"Dad, please don't try to dig out everything; it will only embarrass everybody." Karan was pissed by his father's sly dig in Tejasswi.

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