Surprising Turns

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Author note:- In comparison of views likes and comments dropped drastically, which is a kind of demotivation.

If you guys are no longer fond of this story, please let me know I will wrapped it up for you people.

(Please don't try to please with the comments like nice, superb, amazing. I don't find kill with this.)


"I heard Tejasswi went to pay her visit to Vicky, but it seems the information was off," Kunal said and scoffed playfully.

Sanjay and Anjana exchanged a quiet laugh and looked here and there to avoid the scene.

Karan made Tejasswi comfortable on the bed and whispered in her ear. "I wonder how my family has a knack for playing gooseberry in my romantic life."

Tejasswi playfully swatted his arm, a blush coloring her cheeks.

"Bro, can you not be home in my hospital? At least maintain its sanity." Kunal said it with a grumpy face.

"Being one of the directors of the board, I'm using my fair share of the hospital; do you have any problems?" Karan raised his eyebrows after a befitting reply.

"You can't abuse your power."

Kunal and Karan were going to get involved in a meaningless argument, but Anjana meddled and scolded them. "Oh, please, cut it off both of you."

"Teju, how's your well-being? Are you receiving adequate care?" Sanjay asked and patted her head.

"Gradually getting better..."

Sanjay's heartfelt words never failed to touch Tejasswi's heart.

"Tejasswi, being in the hospital must be quite dull," Anjana observed, offering her a handful of books. "These will come in handy.

"I wish you a speedy recovery, and please don't force yourself to eat the hospital's bland and unappetizing meals. I......"

Anjana's crucial discussion was abruptly halted by Kunal's interruption.

"Grandma, that's not fair. Our hospital takes pride in serving the most nutritious food to our patients. You always underestimate my workplace," Kunal said with fake anger.

Anjana got irritated. "Oh gosh, shut up Kunal and butt out."

"Tejasswi, I will send all sorts of nourishing yet delicious dishes from home, alright?"

"Don't bother Madam Kundrra."

Given their history, Tejasswi was reluctant to trouble Anjana or accept her aid.

"It's ok, you're also a part of the family, and call me grandma as Karan does." Anjana comforted her with a genuine smile.

Tejasswi was pleasantly surprised and touched by Anjana's first move towards bridging the gap between them. "Fine, grandma."

A harmonious family atmosphere prevailed in the room, and Tejasswi was on cloud nine after winning Grandma. Anjana and Sanjay spent some quality time with Tejasswi and chatted for a while before heading back.

As they departed from Tejasswi's hospital room, Karan, with important tasks on his agenda, walked alongside.

"Karan, what's the status on the bomber?" Sanjay asked in a somber tone as they left as a group.

"Before police even got hold of him, he committed suicide." Karan replied with deep thoughts.


"For real?"

The news came as a shock to both of them.

"Yes, he hung himself to death, with a suicide note behind. He was a former employee of Rohan Kapoor, who was seeking vengeance against Tejasswi, blaming her for his own ruin. He was grappling with remorse for his actions and took his life."

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