Net of deceit

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"Are you too sleepy or high? I asked you why she turned opportunist in your eyes, out of the blue, when she was close to you till yesterday." Karan asked sternly.

Tejasswi realized she was too harsh and thoughtless and spoke absurdly.

She got up hurriedly, and the comforter slipped from her chest, exposing her bare body. Karan whistled while swapping gazes.

"Oh, gosh......." Tejasswi pulled the comforter up rashly and scratched the scalded part.

"Ahh, ouch......." She winched in pain.

"Easy......" Karan said that and held her by the shoulder.

He placed her on the bed and blew a gentle stream of air over her wound. "You need to watch out, honey."

Karan brought over the first-aid box and carefully administered burn ointment to her breast, while Tejasswi gazed at him with misty eyes.

For years, she had never experienced such care. No one had been there to tend to her injuries or illnesses, not her parents or any family members.

'He is too good to me, and I always end up hurting him.'

"Karan, you were right." Tejasswi said it in a baritone.

"I know I am always right, but what are you talking about right now?" Karan asked and tucked her under the comforter.

"About the family, not to please them. I realized you were correct about Shamita when you said not to fall for her."

"Happy realization, but how has this happened?" Karan said it ironically.

Tejasswi detailed the entire episode from the previous morning, when she unintentionally crossed paths with Shamita's caretaker and unearthed the truth. She averted her gaze, feeling a twinge of embarrassment.

Karan lost his temper. "God damn, she has nerves to bully my wife. I will teach her a lesson."

He felt a deep hatred for Shamita.

"Karan, I have a request." Tejasswi said beggingly.

"You want me to stay out of Shamita's matter, and you will deal with it your way, isn't it?"

Karan raised his eyebrows, and Tejasswi nodded slightly.

"Absolutely not," Karan asserted, his tone unyielding. He was enraged and driven to ensure Shamita faced the consequences of playing with his life.

"Karan, calm down, it's fruitless to confront her without substantial evidence. I'm interested in finding out what she was up to."

"No way, we are going back to the clan mansion now."

Before Tejasswi could refute, her phone rang again, flashing 'Miss opportunist' calling.
Tejasswi answered the call.

"Yes, Shamita, what's troubling you this early?" She refrained from showing any sympathy and forced herself to be curt, a departure from her usual self.

"The grandma was asking if you and Karan were coming back home."

Shamita was pretending to ask on behalf of Anjana, but Tejasswi could smell fishy in her lamest excuse.

"Oh really? Why did she ask you instead of calling Karan?"

Karan asked her what the matter was through sign language, and she replied, explaining later.

"Ann, even I don't know, why did she do that?"

"Hmm, fine, see you later then."

Tejasswi disconnected the call and told Karan everything.

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