Ephemeral Joy

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Seven days later, in the hospital setting, a nurse walked out of the operating room, cradling a tiny newborn and passing it into Tejasswi's loving arms.

With a radiant smile, she declared, "It's a baby girl," bringing immense happiness to the Kundrra and Sharma families.

Karan's family was brimming with delight when they heard of Tejasswi's choice to adopt the baby. They couldn't wait for Karan and Tejasswi to return with the little one.

Upon hearing that Rashmi had been taken to the hospital, they swiftly flew to Delhi. Only a few hours had passed since their arrival, and they were already at the hospital.

Tejasswi was cradling the precious bundle, her eyes gleaming with adoration, while Karan absorbed the scene with a twinkle in his eyes. Tejasswi's joy was the wellspring of his high spirits.

Their happiness was short-lived as a nurse suddenly rushed out, urgently requesting Tejasswi's presence.

"Excuse me, Miss Tejasswi Sharma; the patient wishes to see you one last time. She's running out of time," she said in haste.

After sharing the information, the nurse quickly returned to the room. They were all left in disbelief, but given the predicted state of Rashmi after delivery, their options were limited to offering prayers or mourning.

Tejasswi walked into the room but halted at the threshold, motioning for Karan to accompany her. He acknowledged her with a nod and walked in alongside her, his hand resting on her shoulder.

They entered the ICU and observed the doctor administering a shot into Rashmi's IV drip. Her painful eyes lit up with joy upon seeing Tejasswi and Karan before her. As her gaze shifted, it fell on the baby nestled in Tejasswi's arms.

She made a feeble attempt to lift her body in order to reach for the baby, but the nurse gently restrained her by holding her shoulder.

Tejasswi hurriedly advanced, carefully lowering her arms and the baby to the level of Rashmi's bed, allowing the mother to have a precious moment with her newborn child.

With affection, Rashmi tenderly caressed the little head and face of the baby. Almost miraculously, the baby wrapped her tiny fingers around Rashmi's forefinger, as if sensing the touch of her mother.

As they beheld this heartbreaking moment, Karan and Tejasswi's eyes filled with tears. It was a powerful sight—the first and last exchange between the birth mother and her child.

Rashmi's tears knew no bounds.
Her face bore the weight of conflicting emotions—the happiness of seeing her baby for the first time, tempered by the heartache of knowing it would be the last.

After wiping her tears and taking a moment to compose herself, Rashmi turned to the doctor and requested, "Doctor, can I please speak to Tejasswi alone?"

"Alright, but keep it concise," the doctor stated, nodding and motioning for the other staff to exit the room.

Balancing the baby in his arms, Karan walked towards the door and called the doctor. "Doctor, could you please update me on Rashmi's medical condition? Is there any chance of extending her time? I'll ensure she receives the highest level of medical care."

"I regret to inform you, Mr. Kundrra, but the situation is dire. The bleeding is too extensive to be managed conventionally, and there has been substantial damage to her uterine cavity during delivery. Her physical state precludes the possibility of surgery or higher medication dosages. Such measures would only exacerbate organ damage. I recommend notifying her immediate family."

In a gentle yet firm manner, the doctor extinguished the final ember of hope within Karan, prompting a heavy sigh to escape his lips before he silently exited.

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