Mother Dearest

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A/N; Bit off backstory for this one,

You and Clarisse have been dating for about a year (give or take). Its the November after she left camp-half blood for Uni. Your mums a narcist and kinda a b!tch and you live right near ASU (where Clarisse is going)

TW; Swearing, abuse

'For f*ck sake, you are 17 years old Y/n, f*cking act like it for once in your life.' She yelled at me through the doorway. All I wanted to do was go to my friend's house for the holidays, but of course she had to blow up about it. Only three more months and I was back at camp half-blood. Back with my people and family, not here with a narcissist that can't deal with the fact the father of her child hasn't spoken to her in 18 years.

She slammed my door closed, the noise resonating throughout the room. I turn to my window, the subtle light from the ASU college dorms shining through the buildings and trees. It was easy enough to climb out of the window and only a ten minute walk over there. I grabbed my canva bag from textiles in sophomore year that had stars painted and embroidered on it. Putting a few sets of clothes, other essentials then climbed out the window. The breezes are cool, not cold enough for me to be shivering, but cool enough to calm me down.

I walked quickly over to the ASU freshman dorm block. Walking down the hallway looking at the doors.

102, 104, 106, 108, 110, then finally, 112.

I knocked on the door gently, hoping she was awake. The light peeking out from under got blocked as I heard someone moving around behind the door. The door creaked open and there she was. She had on baggy, black sweatpants, a red and yellow ASU jumper, her hair in two braids. She clearly was not asleep. Her expression at first was annoyed then switched to worried when she realised it was me. Tears threatened to slip out my eyes so I wrapped my arms around her neck.

'Hey, hey darling, it's okay. Come on, what happened?' She whispered, picking me up and carrying me into her dorm.

'Mother dearest is being a bitch again.' I mumble as she closes the door. She gently places me down on the bed, kneeling in front of me.

'What's new then?' Clarisse joked as she tucked my hair behind my ear. She pressed a kiss to my forehead then sat next to me, pulling me close to her. My head resting on her shoulder, we just stayed there for a bit. 'You can stay as long as you need darling.'

'Thanks Clar, I might stay one or two nights then head back to cabin 15, I can not be around her now.'

'That's okay, but if you don't want to go back to camp just yet. I'll happily have you here.' She laughed before kissing my head again.

I hated that Clarisse left camp, but it's lovely being able to sneak out to her dorm whenever I want.

I hadn't slept well in a few days so I felt myself slowly fall asleep on her.

'Come on darling, let's get you to sleep. You kids of Hypnos, always falling asleep.' She picked me up then placed me under her covers. She stood up, turning off the light then climbing under the covers with me. Pulling me into her chest, the last thing I heard before falling asleep was. 'You will always be safe and welcome with me darling.'

A/N; Happy official spooky season everyone. Whos ready for Halloween, ME, thats who.

Also who's listened to GUTS by Olivia Rodrigo, listen to it whilst writing this and bloody loved it! I need her and Conna Gray to hurry up and come back to my country!

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