Behind cabin 2

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I was just outside cabin 8 looking for one of my siblings' books. She said she was reading outside before dinner but forgot to grab it. You'd think a kid smart enough to read Blood Meridian was smart enough to remember to pick it up. It had been like forty minutes since Luke sent me out after this book, why couldn't he have done it, he's the head counsellor.

"That stupid, little liar." a very angry voice said behind me. I turn around to see a soaking wet Clarisse. The dark green long sleeve shirt clung to her arms as her long dark curls fell down her chest and back heavily. She shook her hands whilst muttering to herself before looking up. She seemed to freeze when she saw me.

"Wow, what happen La Rue." I chucked, picking up a blanket to check underneath.

"That stupid, liar, peter johnson boy, splashed me with bloody toilet water." She huffed.


"You can say that again, what are you even doing out here this late anyway mini Castellan?" She asked, ringing out her hair.

"One of the little girls in 11 lost her book. She says she last had it outside 8 but it is nowhere to be seen."

A smirk fell over Clarisse's face as her eyes locked on the bottom of the stairs I was standing on. "You mean that book?"

I look down and there it is, laying on the bottom step, bright red cover on the dark wood. I lean down and swipe the book up whilst muttering "Screw you La Rue."

"Sorry mini Castellan, want a hug to make it better?" She held out her soaked arms with a devilish smile on her perfect lips.

"Not whilst you're soaked in toilet water. Go take a shower, I'll see you tomorrow for capture the flag." I said walking past her back to cabin 11.

After the capture the flag games, camp was always a bit tense between the two sides. Annabeth's team celebrated whilst Ares moped around. I was sitting with Luke whilst he talked to someone about Percy being claimed. I looked over to the Ares kids surrounding Clarisse, watching with sorrow as she tried to fix her spear. She looked over to me, her angry expression softening, she hands her spear to Sherman and says something before getting up and walking towards the cabins. Whilst walking past me she taps two off her fingers on her thigh.

A few minutes later I excuse myself, not that my brother cared he was too busy fusing over Percy being Poseidon's kid, and walk over to the back of cabin 2. Clarisse was waiting, leaning against the wall, her arms crossed over her chest. She smirked over to me as I leaned on the cabin next to her.

"Sorry about your spear Clair, maybe some Hephaestus kid could fix it?" I say, as she rested her head on my shoulder, interlinking her fingers with mine.

"Nah, no matter how much Hephaestus likes his kids, demigods can't fix a weapon made by a god." She huffed.

"You better not still be covered in toilet water." I laughed, Clarisse picked her head of quickly and shoved me playfully.

"Piss off, otherwise I'm not taking you to the summer solstice dance."

"Fine, I'm sure I can find someone else to take me. There's a boy in 4 that keeps trying to ask me out. It'll be nice to go with someone I can openly be with" I teased.

"Oh I hate you so much. And you love sneaking around" Her hands rested on my waist pulling me close to her as she leaned back again cabin 2.

"I don't know what you're talking about, just because I'm Hermes' daughter doesn't mean I enjoy being sneaky." I laugh, moving my arms to rest on her shoulders and behind her neck.

"Sure, and didn't steal that lip gloss from Selena two weeks ago." She whispered, nodding to the dark red gloss on my lips.

"Oh shut up La Rue."

"Make me, mini Castellan."

Clarisse La Rue One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now