𝐗𝐈𝐈 ; heart-𝒌𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒓𝒔

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A lunch break sounded awfully like heaven to the indigo-haired girl, and she was one of the few who took advantage of it while in the waiting room. Most others found themselves in the cafeteria or taking a deserved break.

Asumi happily pulled up the door to the fridge and grabbed the can with a big 'ASUMI' scribbled in a bulky sharpie on the side. Another yawn reached her lips as she shut the door, using her other hand to try to pop the energy drink open.

Frustrated that it didn't work the first few tries, she dug her keys from her stuff and brought them back over to the center of the room near one of the tables. She stabbed a hole into the top, which wasn't the best thing but it would work.

She set them down to take a sip only for her eyes to fly toward the door as it slammed open where Bakugo came storming in, not even sparing a glance her way. The usual.

She merely leaned against the wall, sipping at her drink as he dug through the fridge.

"Do you have to slurp your heart-killer so loud?" He looked over at her, slamming the door shut as he grabbed himself water.

"Do you have to throw a tantrum during my lunch period?" She retorted, only to get a scoff in response.

Her attention then turned to the brightly colored can in her hand, "And what did you call this? A heart-killer?" She snickered, "Didn't realize you cared so much about health drinks."

Bakugo was capable of shooting back remarks too, "I don't plan on being defeated by some lousy drink."

She didn't say anything that time, but mockingly tilted her head. He wasn't wrong, but would she admit that? Of course not.

Instead, she took another sip and pushed off the wall, "What a way to go."

An imaginary tick mark appeared above his head.

"I'd die drinking this. They're pretty good." Asumi went on just to be a dick, walking out of the room before he could bury her six feet under with his glare.

It was no use in the end but he followed her with no intent of letting her get the last word. His stomps were quite evident as he stormed after her, the girl biting back a grin as they strode quite quickly through the hall, "Do you hear yourself? Look at what's in it!"

She blinked in surprise when he reached over and snatched it from her hand, but had no time to process the fact he just stole her drink as he read off the ingredients as they walked.

"And look how much sugar is in this. Twenty-seven grams. You're basically maxed out for the day." He ranted, continuing to surprise her with every word. Who knew he was such a health freak?

"Eighty milligrams of taurine." He gaped angrily, "Do you know how much taurine is recommended a day?"

Asumi stared forward as they continued a fast-paced, almost angry walk, shoulder to shoulder, "I bet you're going to tell me."

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