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Beyoncé's P

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Beyoncé's P.O.V

Here I stood in my living room for the first time in two weeks. My album was about to release everywhere in a few minutes. I had finally announced that it was coming yesterday, literally causing last minute panic across the world.

My family was here but I wanted Y/N to be here at this moment. She is a big part of the project. Although she said she would swing by later, claiming that she had something to do.

I am kinda upset about it but she does have her own life to live. I'd never take her away from her own life.

"You know sister, I'm really proud of you. The album is amazing by the way." Solange said, as it played through the speakers.

"Thank you sis. It really means a lot." I reply, hugging Solange.

The was a timer that was ticking down to the release. There was ten seconds left. With each second, my heart rate increased. I've done emotional songs before but I don't think I've ever showed the world this type of emotion.

The response to this album means a lot considering that all of it is real. It's every emotion I felt since the reason I even decided to create it.

My mother hugged me excitedly as the timer went off. Lemonade is now officially out. The hug with Tina lasted a good minute, a few tears coming out of my eyes.

Once we pulled apart, my phone rang. I didn't hesitate to answer it once in seen the contact name. "Hey." 

"Congratulations, nugget." Y/N said, making me smile.

"Thank you." I replied.

"I'm really proud of you but that's always. Look outside your front door." She responded.

"What did you do?" I asked, knowing that she's always up to something.

"Nothing, just go outside." Y/N answered.

I walked over to my front door, stepping outside. In my driveway was a Yellow Lamborghini with a giant black bow on the hood of it. Many bouquets of flowers surrounded the expensive vehicle.

I'm not super materialistic but with Y/N, it's always the thought that counts. My smile got even bigger if possible.

"Are you serious?" I asked into the phone.

"As a heart attack. Enjoy them flowers and that lemonade lambo. You deserve it baby girl. I'ma see you later. I love you, shorty." Y/N said.

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