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Beyoncé waited for Y/N to come through

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Beyoncé waited for Y/N to come through. In the meantime she sat there and listened to her album. Y/N's album was actually amazing from start to finish.

She was trying to get her mind off the reality of the situation. Although it wasn't working. No matter how she planned on explaining it, Y/N would be upset no matter what.

She's not the only one. Her mother is gonna be disappointed. How would Shawn feel? All because she couldn't tell the truth.

She knows this should've been discussed. But it's better later than never. Beyoncé hates what this is gonna do to their relationship with each other, but she has to be honest. Y/N deserves honesty.

She heard the front door open, knowing that Y/N was here like she said she would be. Her heart literally felt like it was beating out of her chest.

"Ooh, yo' little boo thang is here." Kelly said, making Beyoncé smile for a quick second.

Ever since that dinner, Kelly and Solange have been acting a little strange when it came to Y/N. They would say shit like that like they know she likes Y/N. Then again, it's probably obvious.

But once she saw Y/N talking to Blue that smile faded. She was about to reveal the most life changing shit. Y/N respectfully said hey to everybody before going over to Beyoncé.

Y/N immediately noticed the look on her face, making her concerned. "What got you looking like that?"

"Can we talk, please?" Beyoncé replied.

They went to a quieter room, just the two of them. Y/N was confused. She wondered if she did something wrong.

"What's wrong, Bey?" Y/N asked.

"First off, nice album that you didn't feel the need to tell me about. You know I love your music." Beyonce started.

She had no room to be getting on Y/N for not telling her something. She was just trying to ease her way into it.

"I'm sorry. It was just a surprise thing. What's really wrong though?" Y/N replied knowing her best friend better than that.

"Do you remember 2011?" Beyoncé asked.

"Yeah, what about it?" Y/N said.

"You remember when Shawn and I were going through that rough time and we both agreed that we needed space from each other? So we agreed to spend a month apart and during that month we were able to see other people, because we thought it would make our marriage stronger." Beyoncé continued making Y/N nod in agreement.

Y/N remembered it like it was yesterday. She wasn't sure how they came up with the conclusion that seeing other people would make their marriage stronger. But supposedly it's a real thing that tons of married couples do. In fact a lot of marriage counselors even recommend it.

They only agreed to do it for a month and well that month got kinda crazy.

"Beyoncé, we did things that entire month that we agreed to never speak on again because we didn't want to fuck up our friendship. So why are you bringing this up?" Y/N questioned.

"Because I-" Beyoncé paused, not really knowing how to say what the result of that was.

In fact, she actually started crying. She knew Y/N was about to be so upset and most likely angry with her. Two emotions that Y/N never really expressed towards her.

"Why are you crying? Talk to me." Y/N said, hugging the shorter woman.

"Because I got pregnant Y/N. Blue is your daughter and I'm sorry for never telling you that." Beyoncé cried into Y/N's chest.

Y/N's entire mind went blank. Ten years. Blue is ten years old. If this is true, she missed so much of that girl's life, parental wise, that she could never get back.

"Don't fucking play with me, Beyoncé." Y/N said, getting mad and upset all at once.

"I'm not. I'm sorry for not being honest with you and her, and everyone in between." Bey replied.

"You mean to tell me that I've been a parent for the past ten fucking years? You never thought once to say something. Another fucking man has been raising my child thinking that it's his. That's grimy as hell Beyoncé." Y/N snapped breaking the nearest glass. 

"That's fucked up to me. That's fucked up to Jay. That's fucked up to Blue and everyone else you lying to. That man's name is on her birth certificate."

Y/N was so mad that she didn't even know what the fuck to do right now. Honestly, she started to cry. For the first time ever, Beyoncé was seeing Y/N cry. That's how she knows she really fucked up.

Y/N doesn't cry. She's never cried. Not that she can't, she just believes nobody or nothing deserves her tears. But this was different.

"You knew like everyone else did that I've always wanted children. Yet you kept one from me for a decade. You're just like Megan." Y/N said, completely broken.

In total, there's two kids. One that's been killed that she never even knew about. And one that's been hidden from her for ten years.

Beyoncé was speechless. She felt terrible. Of course this was all her fault. And she truly was sorry for hiding this. Just when things were getting better, it all got worse.

Y/N looked at her and sighed before leaving the room. Beyoncé wanted to go after her but she knew there was no point.

Beyoncé let her tears flow freely, looking at the broken glass. A moment later Tina, Solange, Kelly, and Michelle entered the room.

"What the hell just happened?" Asked Tina.

Beyoncé had to be truthful with everyone. There was nothing to gain from continuing to lie.

"I told Y/N the truth and now I'm pretty sure she hates me." Beyoncé muttered.

Even though she's the one at fault, she's heartbroken. She knows she just lost her best friend. Thirty one years of friendship just got flushed down the drain.

"What truth?" Solange asked, holding her big sister to comfort her.

"Blue is Y/N's daughter, not Shawn's." Beyoncé said.

Nobody in the room could believe it. The silence was so loud. But it made sense to them. Blue did come out looking exactly like Y/N. Everyone just thought it was a coincidence.

"I think it's time for you to talk with Shawn and Blue."




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