Done Playing Ninja -92-

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Running after him, you could hear your own sobs. "Lloyd!"

He took a shaking breath, turning back to you.

"First Kai, then Jay, then Wu, and now you? You're being selfish! You are the leader. You're supposed to hold this team together." Yelling at him, you tried grabbing his arm, but he pulled it back.

Glaring at you, the light in his eyes had gone dim. "Maybe without Nya, there is no team. I just- I just need a break."

You shook your head, glaring back. "I thought you wanted to help people! You want to take a break from saving lives?! You're being a dick!"

"I'm done loosing people!" He cried, holding his arms out. "Is that what you want?! Me explaining how selfish I am for not wanting to grieve any longer!?"

The sun above the courtyard was to cheerful to witness your argument. It hurt your eyes too.

Keeping your arms to the side, you let your salty tears fall to the floor. "Fine. Leave. Move across the country for all I care. I have been spending this whole week trying to keep the team together for you, but I'm done! You are being ridiculous, and immature!"

"Fine! I don't care anymore. I love you Y/n. I do. But, I just can't do this anymore."

And so you let him leave. You watched him walk out the monastery gates, and leave.

Drying your face off, you reached into your pocket for your phone. Pressing on her contact, you called your mom again.


Pinching your nosebridge, you prepared yourself. "Hey mother.. remember how I mentioned maybe moving in with you?"

"Have you taken me up on my offer? If so, me and Louis would be ever so happy if you would live with us."

Glancing back at the gate, you sighed, turning into the building to go pack. "Yeah. That'd be great, mother."

"Wonderful! I'll set up your room! Talk to you soon! Oh- I'll text you our address as well, bye!"

She was too happy. She was ignoring the fact Nya had just died. You were only going because you had nothing else. The team was gone, and you were done playing Ninja.


Holding your helmet you sighed. "You sure my bike will be safe?"

"Of course. You do live in this residence, right?"

Nodding, you passed the man you helmet, and he wheeled your bike into the garage.

Walking back around to the front of the building you sighed. You built up the confidence, and walked in.

The lady at the front desk glanced up, peering through her much too small eyeglasses. "May I help you?"

"Yeah- I'm uh.. I'm staying with Machigai-Kiko Matthews? Room 45? I'm her daughter, Y/n L/n." You mumbled, swinging your bag back and forth. Your mother was named a more traditional name, being born after your grandparents home was destroyed, and they were forced to move to Ninjago City. Your mother had told you it was so they could keep a part of their home, in their heart.

The lady nodded, glancing outside. "Weather looks bad, it'll start raining soon. You're on level 19, the code is 2258, stay safe!"

Nodding back, you walked to the elevator. Placing your bag down, you scanned the buttons. 19 was the top floor.  Pressing it, the little LED screen said to enter a code. Your hand drifted to the pinpad, and you sighed. You could do this, you could become part of her life again. Entering the code, the doors shut, trapping you inside the small, metal box.

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