Deserts don't provide much stealth -112-

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Wiping your forehead, you let out another big sigh. "How much further?! This bird is going to make me kill a man.."

"Jay! Jay! Jay! Jay! Jay!" Fugi-dove continued, spinning in circles.

With a pant, Lloyd shook his head. "No idea."

Fugi-dove spun in a circle, somehow not exhausted and overheated. "You can be my criminal sidekick! I've even thought of a villain name for you: BlueJay! Because.. you know- the bird part like me, and Jay because You're Jay!"

Raising your eyebrows, you glanced over your shoulder. "It's catchy. Maybe your first villain scheme should be getting us water or something useful, instead of having this bird drive me crazy!"

Lloyd grabbed your sweaty palm, pulling you up a dune. "We'll leave you to work out the details."

Pouting you followed him up the hill. "I swear to your grandfather that if we-" A black line came into view in the distance. "That's- that's a road! We have to be close now right?"

"Ah yes, civilization. This is the perfect time to give you your first lesson in crime: pretty vandalism!" The bird cried, pulling a bottle of water out from under his wing.

You stared at him, reaching out for the bottle. "You have water?"

He smirked, turning the bottle over. "I had water." The pigeon idiot shook it, making sure every drop was out.

Clawing at your scalp, you screamed. "What the fuck is wrong with you?! Why don't we all just die out here for good times sake. You know what, let's make a fort, maybe find some dragon hunters at this point!"

"There are lots of things wrong with me." He laughed, tossing the bottle onto the floor. "Like the fact I litter! Remember Bluejay, a criminal is only as good as the crime he commits. And I have to keep my reputation up if I'm gonna join the Crystal Council."

Lloyd glanced up, letting a pause of stillness fall over the group. "..what did you say?"

"Little Green Garmadon, you must listen! I said I have to keep my reputation up.A criminal is only as good as-"

Rubbing your eye, you groaned. "After that. The thing about the Crystal Council."

Fugi-dove shrugged, glancing around, as if someone in the totally populated desert was going to be overhearing. "Apparently there's this new villain calling himself the Crystal King. He's assembling a team of super-villains called the Crystal Council. I'm just patiently waiting for my invitation."

Jay pursed his lips, looking to Lloyd. "Inviting super-villains? What if we were able to figure out who this Crystal King guy will invite next, we might be able to get ahead of his game and find him somehow. Also.. NO ONE IS INVITING YOU?!!"

With a sigh, Fugi-dove hung his head, before looking back up. "Really? Even if I do...this??" He pulled out another bottle of water and poured it into the sand again.

Holding your hand towards the bird, you gritted your teeth. "I'm gonna fucking do it! I am going to murder this guy!"


Approaching the gas station, you groaned, stepping up onto the steps. Finally, out of the sand.

"Oh! My friends! 'ta Ninja! Y/n, Lloyd, Jay, how ya been?" Twitchy smiled, rocking in his chair.

You smiled, shaking his hand. "You remember us? No more of that freaky forgetting your memories thing?"

He smiled, hugging Lloyd, "I've been practicin' ways 'ta remember. When someone tella me some'ting, I repeat it 3 times real slow and-" his hair crackled against and he flinched. "What wer' I just sayin' now?"

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