Fixing your Faults -93-

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Hey :/ just gonna mention that this chapter deals with manipulation, depression, accidental self-harm, dysmorphia, and self-hate (summary if the chapter at the bottom if ur not comfortable with these topics <3)


Holding onto your arm, you walked behind your mother, and into the large dining room. The elegant table sat on top of a tile design on the floor, you couldn't make out what all the swirls depicted.

Your mother dragged a chair out for you, moving into her own seat. Sitting down, she sat at one head, while Louis sat at the other. The kid sat in the middle, across from your seat.

You sat down, sliding the chair in underneath you. It felt too quiet and awkward. That was, until a loud beeping noise rang out of the kitchen, and throughout the room.

Louis abruptly stood up, walking into the kitchen. The alarm soon stopped, and now it was silence again.

Looking down in your lap, you scrunched your leggings in your fist, trying to act mature. You already proved you were a crybaby, so you had to prove that you were good enough to stay here. Gripping the cloth, you could hear the kid whispering to your mother.

The kid was the spitting image of Louis, but he had your mother's hair, and jaw. He also had blue eyes, but unlike Louis', his were much darker and bigger.

You cleared your throat, grabbing her attention. "Mind uhm- mind introducing me?"

She clapped , an excited smile growing in her face. "Oh yes of course! Y/n, this is Giovanni. Giovanni, this is your sister Y/n."

"It's.. it's nice to meet you Giovanni. How old are you?" You asked, trying to be nice. Watching him, you noticed the bruise on his forearm. Probably just from school. Kids ran into things all the time.

Nodding to greet you back, he continued fiddling with his glass of water. "I'm stix- I'm six anda halth"

Six and a half? But your dad had only died 5 years ago- Glaring at your mom, her gaze had become cold, making it clear you wouldn't be having that discussion right now.

"I have dinner!" Louis called out, walking one of those circular serving trays into the dinning room. He placed it down, and began placing various dishes around the table. Seemed like they tended to do family style. Scanning all the food, it seemed like it was all vegetables.

It wasn't that you absolutely hated veggies, just that you preferred sugary stuff, like pancakes or cereal. Hell, even some beef would be appreciated.

Leaning over the table, you scooped some of the risotto and tapped it onto your plate. It had mushrooms in it, and smelled like it was cooked in peanut oil. Had your mom gone full vegan?

Eating, Louis put a hand over his mouth. "So Y/n, what have you been doing this whole time you haven't been with us?"

Picking at the rice with your fork, you glanced up. "Well like.. recently? Or the entire time mom left me on the streets?"

A knife on a plate scraped loudly, causing you to wince. Your mom had her nose scrunched, glaring at you.

Clearing his throat, Louis tried to calm the situation. "I meant mostly recently. Like any jobs, anything interesting happening recently, are you seeing anyone?"

Raising your eyebrows, you were shocked. You didn't expect Louis to care about you. "Yeah- I uh-"

"Oh, she's been doing such ridiculous things!" Your mother laughed, making your stomach lurch. "She was one of those silly, pajama, Ninja guys, who caused that big flood to happen a few days ago. And you were seeing someone right Y/n? A kid named Larry or something? Apparently one of those 'heros' too, but I heard he's an Oni, those guys who made everyone stone? Can you believe that?Are you-"

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