No Permission? Bet. -108-

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"The Ninja? What are the Ninja doing here? Tell them I'm sick. Or better yet, I'm not here!" Why was the mayor refusing to talk to you and instead playing golf in his office?

Lloyd coughed, getting his attention. "We're right here. Sir."

He spun around, almost hitting his cat with his golf club. "Oh! Those ninja! Why didn't ya say so? Come in fellas! Sorry 'bout the mix-up." His poor cat.

You sighed tugging on your suit. It needed minor adjustments, but Pixal was still with Cyrus, and Nya... was self-explanatory. "It's about Lloyd. For awhile he's had this power growing inside him, and it's only awakened recently-"

"I'm gonna keep playing! Keep talking though. Why don't you want this power? Thought that was your whole thing."

You rolled your eyes. This guy was ridiculous. Who elected him?

Cole pursed his lips, continuing where you left off. "It's not really the best power, and we need to drain it. And the only way to do that is with help of the serpentiness Aspheera."

The mayor started choking, turning around. "As- Aspheera? As in Aspheera who destroyed half the city with her lava-serpent-army? That Aspheera?"

"Who else?" This was getting annoying, and this guy did not seem qualified.

Zane nodded, "Yes, her. We also require her staff, the Scroll of Forbidden Spinjitzu. It is at Borg Tower and it is necessary to relieve Lloyd of this negative material."

Scoffing, he went back to his golf. "Can't help."

"Look. We know she's dangerous, but it's not like she's ever gonna be unsupervised. Protecting Ninjago is our whole thing." Cole explained, almost tripping on a chair on the middle of the room.

Stroking his cat, he shook his head. "Like you protected it from that video game thing? And that giant sea serpent. And those stupid Oni! Those freaky cloud things were gross, and they all clearly were evil."

Lloyd's hand hit against your own, before he interlocked your fingers. He knew he wasn't like those other Oni.. Right?

Pursing your lips, you weren't sure what to do. "Please. He's the leader of our team. You can't just let the grandson of the First Spinjitzu Master die! You owe it to him after all he's done for this city-"

"And I owe it to all the little people who voted for me, not to let one of the worst villains in this city's history out of prison." He yelled, hitting the golf club against your chest.

Backing up from his reach you wrapped your arms around your torso. You felt... really uncomfortable now. Who did he think he was?

"Now. If you don't mind. I gotta get back ta workin'."

Lloyd reached forward, but you shook your head. It wasn't worth it. Not here. Not yet.


"If we can't get Aspheera out legally, we'll have to do it illegally." You watched the team's expressions morph from worry to surprise.

Wu coughed, shaking his head. "I cannot condone this. This is not the way to help Lloyd."

Breath quickening you turned to him. "We have no other choice! He is going to die at this rate if we don't do anything! We're out of options!" You turned away from Wu. "..Who's in.?"

One by one, everyone raised their hand high.

Glancing over your shoulder, Wu was shaking his head. "Much as it pains me, I cannot reasonably be a part of this. I am sorry, but I have learned the hard way that Aspheera can never be trusted." And then he quietly walked to the door. The team was done begging for his permission.

Jay bit the inside of his cheek, watching Wu. "So what is the plan?"

Glancing to Lloyd, he nodded. He agreed with your plan. "We're splitting up. Team 1: Lloyd, Kai, and Zane, are breaking into Kryptarium to free Aspheera. Team 2: Me, Cole and Jay are going to Borg Tower to get her staff."

Cole frowned. "That.. makes sense. But we can't just leave the monastery unprotected. I know Wu is here, but if we're going to break into the highest security areas in all of Ninjago, what happens if the monastery gets raided?"

Scoffing, Lloyd pointed to the door where a very familiar red-head stepped out. "Skylar can help with the monastery. We all know she has trained her whole life in fighting, so she's a perfect fit." He held out an arm, hugging Skylar.

Kai's eyes widened, running her into a hug. "Long time no see! How you been?!" Though he used to like her, he kind of realized how they were better as friends, and he had developed feelings for Cole. "I have to get your number this time, it's been too long."

She smiled. "Glad to take a break from meetings. My ass can't handle sitting down for much longer. And you guys have great workout equipment I will definitely be using while your gone."

"We'll be quick." Lloyd continued, "and remember, we go in disguse. Don't use your names, and don't get caught."


Standing in front of Borg Tower, you glanced to Jay and Cole. They nodded, ready to go.

Adjusting your cap to hide your face, you picked up a briefcase, walking toward the front door. Hiding as security from security was a great plan.. so far.

Stepping through the sliding door, both front desk workers weren't paying attention. Either being asleep, or being way too focused on a video game. Inside the elevator, you sighed. "Alright, Jay, what's the security passcode?"

He turned to you confused. "I thought you and Cole had it?"

Shaking your head, you glanced from guy to guy. "I was busy packing, I wasn't in the room when Pixal called with the security code.. Cole?"

With a sigh, he shook his head. "It's either 3314 or 4413. I'm not sure which."

Jay leaned forward. "I think it's 4413. It sounds vaguely like Borg saying 'i like to eat' in my head."

"We're not-" did you have any better option though? Reaching to the pinpad, you clicked the buttons in order, waiting for something to happen. Of course, that something was the alarm going off.

In a panic, Jay started clawing at the doors, and Cole started pacing. What happened the last time you were in an elevator inside Borg Tower with an alarm going off because you weren't supposed to be there? "If I had a nickel for-" not the time to joke. Where was the hatch?

Cole came to the same conclusion as you, lifting up the trapdoor in the floor. It went down at least a mile into the darkness. That seems like it'd be a safety issue.

Reaching down, you swung onto a cable, slowly inching down. This was gonna cramp your hand for sure. "Hurry the fuck down!" You yelled, still at a whisper.

Getting to the next floor down, you threw a tanto in the door, wedging it open enough where you could slide it open with your foot. Climbing out, you held it open for the other two.

It was actually the right floor. Where was this sudden luck coming from? Walking up to a vault door, you pressed a hand to the cool material. You assumed you would be able to sense at least one thing in there, but nope. "Can't tell anything apart, open the door."

Cole punched his hands together, becoming a bright orange glow. Hitting the door open, it fell to the floor. Although you couldn't hear it, you could tell the alarm was going off.

"Where is everything?"

Looking around the room, the display cases had a lack of anything to display. Cole had the right question. Where was everything?

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