Lovely Boy -98-

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Blond hair surrounded his face, eyes shut tight. His mouth was curled into a frown as sweat dripped down his forehead. Staring in shock, you weren't exactly sure what to feel. What happened to Lloyd?

Shutting your jaw, you swallowed. He had been here the whole time? And he was living with KoKo? Shaking off your shock, you realized you had a job to do. You glanced over at the side table. "KoKo? Why are there oven mitts?"

Biting her lip, she looked like a concerned mother. "Every time I try to touch him with my bare hands, it shocks me- or hurts me of some kind. This was the only solution I could think of."

Touching his outstretched hand, you could definitely feel the weird sparks she was talking about, but it wasn't painful like how KoKo described, just ticklish. Fuck, you missed holding his hand. "How long has he been like this?" It couldn't have been long, KoKo would've gotten help so much sooner-

"It's been 4 days since I last saw him awake."


Your eyebrow creased, as you glared up at her. "Four- four days? And you didn't get help sooner? He could be dying for all you know, but you waited?! You went to work with him here like this! What were you thinking?!"

"I was thinking about having a home! With Lloyd not working, I had to make double income to try and keep up with monthly rent! I never had the time to think. Don't act like you understand."

Running your fingers through Lloyd's hair, you sighed. "I don't understand? Don't understand what? That you couldn't contact me or Wu while you were at work for Wu, or how rent works? As someone who has been living with Wu since I was 16, I think I know how easy it is to contact the old man who never does any work himself. Or do I not understand rent? Which I had been paying for in my own apartment since I was kicked out at 14?"

"Stop acting like you are the only one who cares about him. Lloyd is like a little brother to me. I don't care what some random girl who somehow knows him through school or something, but his life doesn't revolve around you."

Standing up, you stared at her. "Don't tell me, he told you nothing about his past? How he never went to school and lived on the streets as a kid, how he was one of the Ninja fighting for the whole city's life, how he had a girlfriend he promised with a Yin-Yang medallion to never leave her, yet still did? You know nothing about him!-"

And then there was a knock on the door.

With a glare at her, KoKo resigned from arguing, and walked out of the room, slamming the door. You could hear her talking to Wu.

Sitting up on the bed, you stroked Lloyd's hair, studying his hurt expression. Blackish sparks swirled by his temples, sometimes hints of gold or green as well. "How did you get into this mess.." You muttered, wondering what he had been up to while out of the team.

He was 20 now, wasn't he? His birthday had passed not too long ago. Maybe you could get him a gift once he woke up, or take him on a date. If he wanted to even see you. You had started getting over your grief, but had he? Did he still fall asleep crying his eyes out, wishing that Nya would come back? Did he hope his wish would come true, only to be met by disappointment?

Creaking the door open, Wu walked in, making eye contact with you, then glancing to his nephew. "Lloyd..?" He let out an airy gasp. Going to sit next to you on his bed.

Sorting through the bag Wu had brought, you made a mental note of the teas and spices he brought. "KoKo said he's been like this for 4 days. It's definitely magic since it hurts her to touch him, but so far I'm fine, and he also has little black specs swirling around his head."

Wu picked up a small jar of tea leaves as KoKo brought in the hot kettle. "I'm going to have to ask you both to leave. I need to concentrate."

Sighing, you stood up, and held the door open for KoKo. Walking out, you leaned against the counter, your back flinching at the cool surface. Picking at your lips, you began zoning out.

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