Creeps don't like Comics -104-

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Holding onto your bag, you weaved through the crowded streets of the city square. A low level thief had just been caught in the road. According to the yells, it seemed as though 'the Ninja' had caught them. You had to get out of there before Zane or Cole recognized you. Though it seemed too late as someone pointed at you, yelling out your name.

Running into an alleyway, you sighed. You had just come to grab dinner and then grab Lloyd. Scrolling through your phone, you waiting for the crowds on the street died down.

"Come here girl!" Someone yelled, whistling at you. "Come on, we don't bite!"

Peering down the dingey crack, a few guys walked towards you. "Here girl!" They looked like they hadn't seen the sky in 8 years.

With a roll of your eyes, you turned to leave, but the guy in front grabbed your bicep. "Where you going pretty lady? We just wanna talk. Maybe have a little fun~"

Gagging, you reached by your hip and pulled a sai out. KoKo insisted you had some self defense weapon. At least it came in handy. "If you don't get your fucking diseased hands off of me, I'll make you wish you were never born."

"Oooh! I'm so scared! ..Stop fucking with me girl. Come on." He demanded, gripping your arm tighter.

With your other hand, you drive the space between the prongs into his arm, pinning it to the wall. The other guys looked a bit more scared now. "I said don't you touch me."

So maybe you were wrong with the being scared part. Instead, they pulled out baseball bats. And the guy you had pinned against the wall was now free, sai in hand.

Spinjitzu would cause too much of a commotion, and you didn't have any other weapons. Holding your purse tight, you kicked the front guy in the lower abdomen, before sprinting away.

Pushing through the crowd, you could hear the creeps yelling behind you. Weaving through gaps in the crowd, you looked for anywhere to go. Then, a bright blue sign caught your eye. Doomsday Comix. You needed to visit Lloyd anyways.

Waiting at the light, you kept glancing back to see the men approaching. The sign blinged, indicating that you could cross. Walking with the crowd, you hurried, trying to get away. How were they even still behind you?

Reaching the other side of the street, you ran along the sidewalk, running into the building. As the bell ring, you sighed, panting. They wouldn't come in here right?

Outside the door, the guys stood, staring at you from the window. Their smirks made you want to throw up, and shove the puke down their throats.

A guy with a scruffy beard walked up, looking worried. "Welcome to Doomsday Comix, I'm Mother Doomsday.. are- are you okay?"

Glancing up, you weren't sure what to answer. "Can I uhm- can I speak with an employee, Lloyd?"

His eyes quickly glanced up and down, trying to figure out your motive. "What's your relation with him? Why do you need to see him?"

"He's my- he's my boyfriend. And uhm... there's creeps following me. I just kind of needed somewhere to hide out and thought he could vouch for me. I uh.. I also need to drop off a medication for him." You muttered, still clinging your bag tight.

Mother Doomsday nodded, motioning for you to follow him to the back of the store. Back there, he subtly pointed at a blond employee checking catalog. "Hey Lloyd! Got someone here for you!"

His head turned, smiling as he saw you. Then he saw your worried expression. Putting the sheet down, he walked over and grabbed your hands. "What's going on?" He looked around, moving a hand to your cheek.

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