The Rolling Stones (no, like, literally) :129:

431 19 23

Pressing the calligraphy pen into the already aged page, you sighed, finishing off the last stroke. Finally after over a whole day straight, you finished updating and recategorizing the library. You also got around to getting Lloyd to make you a new suit with the few remaining machines from after the Merge and his crude sewing skills.

Then everything started to shake, causing countless scrolls to slip out from their racks and onto the floor. Mergequake? Why had the voice not warned you?

You slid the chair out, and glanced over at the window.

Pretty normal day to be honest, training course set up, Lloyd and the kids goofing off, the sun shining..

...oh, and a giant red flying ship crashing into the monastery walls. How did the Bounty get here?

Oh. Huh. Did they need help..? Probably. Were you going to not help and instead reorganize the library since they could do it on their own? Also again, probably.

About 20 minutes later when the room was half organized, Lloyd barged in, his eyes searching the room for you. "Kai's missing."

Raising your brow, you set down the pile of scrolls in your arms. "Fuck you mean he's missing? The Bounty came back by itself?"

"That's what I said! Well.. minus the cursing.." Arin groaned, holding a map up. "Kai's map leads in the direction the ship came from, so we need to go there and find him!"

Glancing to the library then back to the trio, you nodded, dusting your hands off. "Right, let's go then, no time to waste."


Tossing a blunt shuriken for Riyu, Arin sighed, sitting down against the railing. "If the ship came back without Kai.. does that mean-..?"

You leaned on the railing of the Plume, watching the landscape change from sandy desert plains to dark, mountainous terrain. "I'm hoping he just got into trouble and sent the Bounty back on autopilot."

Slightly adjusting the angle of the ship, Lloyd hummed in agreement. "Or it's a trap like half of the time it's a trap."

Sora laughed, noticing no else else was, then frowned. "Oh- are you being serious?"

"Nah." Lloyd smiled. "More like two-thirds of the time."

Tying your hair out of your face, you glanced up to them. "I'd honestly be less surprised if it's another monarchy we're overthrowing. Seems like we have a knack for that."

The Plume came to a slow, gently stopping as it hovered in the sky.

With a huff, Lloyd glanced back at the map. "We should be here.. does anyone see anything?"

"Sora? What is it?" You questioned, feeling as though she saw something.

She glanced back, pressing her lips together. "I mean, not much.. just two dragons being assaulted by a bunch of freaky rock creatures!"

Rushing over, you glanced over the edge. An army of round rocks with limbs was throwing boulders at two larger dragons, causing blue shock waves to form.

Riyu screeched, anxiously circling around you all.

Nodding, Arin sighed. "Riyu is right. Those dragons need out help! What even are those things?!"

"Craglings." Lloyd responding, wrapping his hands. "My father told me how he met them once. They attacked him and Master Wu when they were in the Realm of Madness."

Sora yelled at Arin to wait as the younger.. leapt off the side of the ship. This kid was going to get himself killed.

Groaning, you pulled on your new mask, glancing to Lloyd. "Are we gonna do something about that?"

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