War Set -121-

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Climbing out of the sewer grate, you sighed. You missed having fresh air. Turning to the newspaper warehouse, you just managed to see Cole running at you before you were swallowed in a bear hug.

Pushing him back, Kai rubbed your head, messing up your hair. "You guys are ridiculous." You grinned, walking up to the door.

"It's good to see all of you." Wu smiled as he opened the door, the creases around his eyes softening as he held you in a close hug. "Thank the master you're alive.."

You pulled away, nodding. "Would kinda suck if I wasn't- is- is that..?" You watched a bird man run out the doors, and tackled Jay to the ground. Great.. Fugi-dove was here.

The rest of the team filed inside, studying the layout of the tents. Lloyd strides matched yours as his gaze was fixated on a point. "Ronin?"

Wu looked to the Mad-Eye-Moody cosplay and nodded. "It's a long story.. but.. I have something to show you before it can be told.

Looking to Lloyd, you chewed on the side of your mouth. Something else he had to show you? "What else is there to show? I thought we were done with surprises.."

"Maybe it's good?" Lloyd encouraged, tracing your palm with his thumb. "There's no way it's anything worse than this.. right? Like the world isn't collapsing in on itself, so I'd say it has to be good-  Mom!" He ran ahead, grabbing his mother in a hug.

Misako grabbed your arm, pulling you in as well. "I'm so glad you're all okay.. but now is no time for pleasantries, Wu has information I found in the library if Domu."

With a sigh, you gathered around the small table, looking over Wu's shoulder. An aged scroll sat rolled out on the table. "This is the final prophecy of Quanish the Elder."


You couldn't help but gasp at the voices words. "What do you mean grandfather? Who's grandfather.. mine? What-"

The entirety of the team was giving you weird looks. You had said that out loud, hadn't you.

"Rightt.. Okay so quick debrief for everyone." You began, clearing your throat. "Power upgrade, now I have this weird voice in my head that tells me shit I didn't know including the fact my dad erased over half my memories before he died. Okay? Alright... But really? Grandfather?"

Everyone looked at you, even more confused.

Wu coughed, grabbing everyone's attention. "You say grandfather? Is this.. voice.. saying Quanish is your grandfather?"

"Great-Grandfather.. apparently."

He sighed, rubbing the edge of his beard. "Okay, that.. actually makes your powers less complicated to me. Your prophecy powers are likely due to Quanish being a previous ruler of the Cloud Kingdom.. the Elemental Powers of Atoms probably just attached itself to your father.."

Garmadon scoffed. "I thought this was apparent to everyone. I've met his son before, and his grandson. I thought you had known this, brother."

Grabbing your head, you fell onto the stool behind you. "Right.. okay.. this is a lot to take in."

Kai scoffed, grinning, "Alright, Princess Y/n of the Cloud Kingdom."

You gagged. "Ew.. anyways, can we please stop talking about me and talk about this prophecy?"

Garmadon sighed, "Alright. So what is this prophecy saying? I cannot recognize any of the letters or characters on this scroll."

"Quanish the Elder prophesized that one day the defenders of Ninjago would achieve a higher form of Elemental Powers, something he called 'Dragon-Form.' He said they would use this new form in the final conflict against evil... We just have to hope he did not miss any details."

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