She Was Lost In The Dark, So He Became Her Light -122-

638 27 122

This chapter has mentions of death, suffocation, and choking, mild body horror (smell of burning flesh) and mature violence and it's outcomes. Viewer discretion advised


Leaping off of the mech, you hid behind a crystal, waiting for an opportune moment. Lloyd broke off the crystal next to you, throwing it onto the Overlord. Wincing at the noise of it shattering, you took a deep breath, preparing yourself. It would work. It had to work.

"Really? You started without me?" Lloyd sighed, yelling at his dad.

The Overlord broke through the crystal, looking at who had previously hit him to the floor. "Garmadon. You have chosen to fight with the Ninja?"

The Oni laughed, crossing his arms. "Yes. That's precisely why I just.. attacked you." If this wasn't a life or death situation, you would've called him a girlboss or something.

"Then perish with them!" The Overlord shouted, pink crackles surrounding his body, as he went to launch a blast to Garmadon. He did it, knocking Garmadon to the floor with only one try.

Thankfully, he was able to quickly stand up, raising his wings and taking flight once more.

Lloyd blocked the second blast with the mech, turning and nodding to you. He looked so terrified. You had to do this, the world would be in chaos if you didn't.

It will be regardless.

Ignoring the voice, what it said quickly faded away, bigger fish to fry right now.

You raised your arm, focusing on the Overlord. The elements were unfamiliar to you, but you could feel them slowly circling around. There wasn't even any carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, or nitrogen... how was this thing even alive?Gripping your hand tighter, you lifted the demon off the ground, begining to try and figure out how his.. body(?) even worked. Shutting your eyes to focus, you managed to completely miss Harumi, who tackled you to the ground. Fuck, you almost had it.

"WHY WON'T YOU EVER JUST DIE?!" She shrieked, the dagger in her hand glistening.

Grabbing a shard of crystal from beside you, you used it to block her attack, trying to push her off of you. Eventually rolling to the side, you heaved to your feet, swinging the shard up. "Come any closer and I will fucking rearrange your face." You panted, the point of the shard towards her head.

Harumi scrunched her face in.. fear? Disgust? before running back to the throne of the Crystal King. Pussy. Lloyd.. used to like someone like that?

You tuned the voices of the others back in as the Overlord reformed into a large, stone centaur. "-It is you who are wrong!" He launched a bolt of pink energy at Lloyd, using his weapon to cleanly cut off the arm of the mech. Well fuck.

Taking all the fallen debris on the floor, you lifted it up, having it fly towards the Overlord, as some sort of distraction. Didn't seem like it was very effective.. fuck.

The god glanced at you briefly, before looking back as Lloyd tried yelling at the suit to reroute power. The Overlord swung his axe once more, effectively cutting off the leg of the mech. The mech's whole left side was useless now as it slid towards the edge of the island. Double fuck.

The Overlord went to hit the broken mech suit, but was met with firing from Garmadon.

While he was shortly distracted, you sprinted over to Lloyd as the mech got hit off the edge. He leapt out, his fingers gripping the edge of the platform.

You grabbed his arm, digging your nails into his arm as you managed to pull him up without falling off yourself. Now back on your feet, you turned back towards the battle as Lloyd ran to fight close up. Raising an arm you attempted to tug the Overlord apart again. The atoms were separating, you could feel it. Your arm began to go numb, spreading throughout your torso, to your legs, and it turned from a small buzzing to pins stabbing your body. Stumbling forwards onto your knees, you let the atoms slide back into place. "Fuck.."

▬promise of particles▬lloyd x FEM!reader▬Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora