The Kingdom of Clouds :130:

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"Should Riyu still be sleeping? It's been hours!" Arin worriedly asked from the front of the deck where he was petting the sleepy dragon.

Rolling your eyes, you smiled. "He saved an entire kingdom, and he's just a little guy, I'm sure he's fine.. just sleepy."

As if on cue, you yawned as well. When was the last time you took any tea? Opening the crate with your medical bag, you slipped a few leaves into your mouth, chewing them.

Lloyd eyed you, frowning. Couldn't he just let it go? ..You'd be fine.

Kai crossed his arms, leaning against the railing of the upper deck. "So you're telling me this baby dragon like.. sparks.. and only then Sora can use her powers?"

"If I even have a power.." She muttered, taking her welding helmet off. "It might all just be Riyu. You saw how he powered up that mud field."

Sighing, Lloyd let the wheel out of his grip momentarily. "We've gone over this, you have a power. Riyu just.. makes it able to bubble over to the point it's usable. Which is why we're training you to be stronger."

"Yeah, Sora!" Arin grinned, nudging her. "You have a great power! Not one I've ever seen... But you guys discover things all the time! Like the Merlopians, or the Serpentine tribes! Oh- oh! And the- the.... I'm rambling, aren't I? Sorry- I'm just a huge Ninja fan.. it's great to meet you Kai!"

Rolling her eyes, Sora stood. "Just a Ninja fan..? You revolve your entire life around them, before we even met them! Remember when you asked the barber to give you 'the Zane'?" She glanced up to you. "It did not go well."

Kai frowned. "Well off course it didn't! He should've gotten.. 'the Kai'." Swooping his spikes, he almost impaled your eye.

"Oh please, it's not even a hairstyle, it's hair gel and a wish. One bad rainstorm and you're looking like a wet cat." You remarked, running a hand through your own hair mindlessly.

With a cough and a flinch from you, Lloyd got everyone back on track. "So, as I was saying, I think somehow this all has to be connected to the Merge-quakes, dodgy powers and self-taught Spinjitzu at the same time can't be a coincidence."


Quirking your brow at the voice's comment, you frowned. "..home..? We're not even close to the Monastery-.. Oh- oh!" In front of you, large white and gold spires erupted from floating islands, " that..?"
Why did the voice call this place home though?

Kai shook his head in disbelief, "The Cloud Kingdom."

"Why wasn't this here before?" Sora asked, glancing back to you.

Pressing his lips together, Lloyd shrugged. "Floating kingdom, must've drifted into our path.."

As you neared the city, you quietly wove your fingers through his. Did you want to really go there..? It was your heritage.. a bit.. but it felt so off finally being here. It's not like you had any real fond memories of family... Or any memories of your birth family at all.

Continuing between the smaller islands, turbulence shook the ship.. or..


Someone fell to the floor of the ship, a small woman wearing a headscarf. "Ow! This- this beast! How was this unforseen?!" She squealed, high pitched.

Oh, so she was kinda like you..? "What beast?" You asked, crouching down to her level. "Ma'am?"

Kai suddenly got hit to the floor with a yelp, a tentacle sliding off of the side of the ship. Oh. That beast.

Running to the side of the ship, a one eyed, floating cephalopod was emerging out of a Merge-quake.

Raising your arm, you began closing it when Lloyd gripped your forearm tight. "We need to get this thing back in there before we close it!"

Right. You were being stupid. Nodding, you glanced around. "Sora, get Riyu and Arin down there with your mech, Lloyd stay on the ship to make sure it stays safe while you begin closing the quake the slow way. Kai, with me."

Jumping off the edge of the ship, you grabbed onto the chain of the anchor, sliding down to get to where people were running around, screaming.

With a yell, Kai launched fire at a tentacle, but it didn't react, only swiping downwards toward the flames. "It's fucking fire resistant!"

"I can see that dipshit!" You yelled back, attempting to control it or attack it, but it was almost as if it were.. glitching..? The molecules kept jumping forwards and back, never seeming to calm down to a point you could focus on them enough to control them. "Its too unstable to get a grip of anything!"

Running forwards, at first you assumed he was just being stupid and trying to punch the thing, but then he used Spinjitzu.. obviously... Damn. It had been way too long.

But.. it was knocking it back into the portal.. "Lloyd! Help Kai get it close!" You yelled to the blond. Soon, a green tornado joined the red.

As the octopus cyclops neared the quake, it began to instantly shake even more, glitching out of reality. Perfect.

Then it grabbed the Arin and Sora. Fuck.

"Lloyd! The kids!" You yelled, your throat straining. Running at the creature, you swung around, using Spinjitzu to stab it in the eye, causing it to flinch.

Behind you, Lloyd's eyes had begun to glow brighter as he threw orbs after orbs of energy at the creature, causing it to wriggle in pain.

Taking a sharp dagger from your belt, you spun at the octopus again, lifting it above your head. You brought it down heavily, piercing the ginormous eyeball.

It started gushing blood, as the creature shrieked, flailing around.

"Push it in!" You ordered, stabbing it again. It screamed, tensing, and releasing the kids.

Leaping off, Kai finally hit the squid, launching it back into the quake. Tracing your finger along it, you messily sewed it shut, looking around.

Where..Where had the kids gone..?

Seems the question was answered as they quite literally flew up from under the island..?

Who had..? Oh..?

Behind an easel, a girl in a white headscarf's hand was glowing a pale, almost white- green. That wasn't.. normal for the Cloud Kingdom.. was it? It looked pretty obvious she was trying to hide it, so you would too. It was her thing to tell, not yours.

The adrenaline finally calming, you sighed, rubbing your temple. By the master, your head was starting to hurt.

Lloyd brought the ship down, settling it right before the gates of the Cloud Kingdom. He leapt off, shaking his head. "This is pretty far out from the original Merge for a Merge-quake."

"..and that means..?" Kai questioned, quirking his brow. He glanced around, confused.

Scoffing, you took a deep breath, still calming down from the fight. "So they're happening in more places, and they are getting much, much worse."

Nodding, he scratched his jaw, lost in thought. "Master Wu was studying the Merge before it happened. He called it the 'Coalescence.' Tons of scrolls about it... But what we found before the Merge got destroyed.. during the Merge."

You groaned, eyes darting around the kids, making sure they weren't hurt. "Why is everything so complicated..!"

"Listen, King and Queen Buzz kill, I'm gonna go talk to these Cloud Monks. I'm sure they're dying to tell us how awesome we just were." He grinned, turning towards the bronze gates.

Waving the kids over, you shrugged, glancing to Lloyd. "I mean.. he is the only one here who has really met these guys before, he must know what he's doing.. right?"


I got accepted for AP Bio for next year :3 and I've also been playing this game called Oneshot, it's really cool

Oh I also did face painting for my school and it was so fun, even though I'm not good at drawing

Hope u guys have been having a good time!

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