Awakings -100-

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As the purple fog cleared, you stood in the middle of someone's living room. A family's living room. As they played board games.

They stared at you both in shock. Of course they would, two semi-strangers (were you really a stranger if you were famous? ...That was probably a creepy question..) had just teleported into their apartment.

"Wu.." you mumbled glancing at all the people. "Think you messed up the amount of tea."

He agreed walking towards the door. "We're sorry for the intrusion!"

Pushing through the door, you both stood in the stairwell in shock. Glancing up at Wu, he was holding in a laugh.

Seeing his face and between what just happened, you couldn't help but start laughing yourself. "That-" you had to take breaths between laughing, "that was something."

Glancing at the door, you saw it was door 16, just had to go down a level or two.

Adjusting the bag on your back you glanced to Wu. "Ready?"

He nodded, walking down the stairs behind you. Between the both of you walking on the creaking steps, you must've woken up at least some people.

Getting to door 13, you knocked. KoKo didn't answer. Glancing back at Wu, you tried again. Still no response.

Pushing on the door, you realized it was never locked in the first place. Maybe just jammed. Walking in, everything seemed fine, but you couldn't see KoKo anywhere. Putting the bag down, you watched Wu begin to prepare the dragon shed as if it were a dissolvable soup packet.

Opening the door to Lloyd's room, you first saw KoKo, asleep, her head and arms on the bed as the rest of her sat on the floor. Secondly, you saw Lloyd.

He was now on his side, part of his head hanging off the bed. A thick, black ooze dropped from his open mouth, and into a bucket below him. Things were bad.

"WU!" You yelled, going to KoKo, "THINGS ARE MUCH WORSE!" Crouching down next to the woman, you grabbed her shoulder.

She flinched awake, looking terrified, but once she realized it was just you, she calmed down. "I- I didn't know what to do.." she mumbled, glancing over to Lloyd.

Wu barged in, staring at Lloyd. "KoKo, rest in the living room. Y/n and I can deal with this. Thank you for watching him." While he spoke to KoKo, he began propping Lloyd upright on some pillows.

Lloyd looked dead. The color of his face had drained, and the black spit was still dribbling out of his mouth. The only things that proved he was alive was his heavy breathing, the pained expression on his face, and the way he winced with every breath.

Handing you the hot bowl, Wu continued preparing Lloyd. The plastic bowl was filled halfway with a shining red liquid, obviously from the shed.

Holding his hand out, you realized Wu was ready. Giving him the bowl, you sat down on the bed, and watched him slowly tip the burning liquid into Lloyd's mouth.

Rubbing Lloyd's hand between your own, you stared at him, waiting for something to happen.

Wu leaned over him, rubbing some of the soupy substance onto his forehead. He whispered an incantation of some sort, standing up. "Now to wait. You should stay with him while I speak with KoKo. If anything worsens, tell me."

With a nod, and you watched him walk out. It was suddenly very silent as you stared at Lloyd. You had made it in time, right?

Grabbing his hand tighter you brought it up to your face. Pressing into it, you could feel your salty tears roll over his knuckles.

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