Law Systems are Shit -110-

439 21 21

"Why the fuck do we trust Darreth as our lawyer?!" You groaned, leaning back in your seat.

Lloyd shrugged, "Only person willing to, that we could get in contact with. He's only taken 3 weeks of law classes so.. I have a feeling we're going to jail."

"ALL RISE! THE HONORABLE JUDGE WILLIAM HORACE TOUGHBUTT PRESIDING!" The court staff yelled, as a man walked up to the bench. Everyone stood up, staring at him in anticipation. That was... some name..

He hit his gavel to the table, knitting his brow. "Please be seated."

Sitting back down, you sighed. These striped uniforms were so fucking itchy.

"In all my years as a judge, I have never seen such a calloid disregard for public safety as I have in this case. The Ninja put the entire city at risk by freeing the convicted criminal Aspheera, and then, helping arm her with the very weapon she used to attack this city! Do you have anything to say in your defense before I pass judgement?"

Darreth stood up, walking to his podium. "I wouldn't phrase it exactly like that.." Fuckk you were definitely going to jail..

"How would you phrase it then?"

He sighed, shaking his head. "Okay, yeah, that's what happened. But what about all the times the Ninja helped this city? Like when they fought Garmadon, or Unagani, or the Quiet One? We have to take that into account too, don't we?" Who was the Quiet One? Was that..?

You were literally in that 'look at my lawyer dawg, I'm going to jail' meme. And for once you weren't able to joke about it.

"I have. Which is the only reason I'm not sentencing them to life in prison. Instead, I'm sentencing them to five years in Kryptarium Prison."



Walking through the commotion filled room, you sighed. Why had they split you up from the rest of the team? It was because you were a girl. That's why they had split you up, or some other excuse where you were the victim. You were on the opposite side of the prison, in a tiny cell. And maybe because you tried to fight back, and injured a guy in the eye.

Being thrown in, the prison guard shut the bar door, closing you in the dimly lit room. You wanted to go home. You were already so fucking lonely

Even though the Ninja had just been put in their cell, it opened, as the PA crackled. "Open cells! Yard Time, 20 minutes!"

The Ninja walked past you, giving you pitying smiles, before being pushed by a guard into the next hall.

Lloyd reached a hand out, his fingers sliding along the cool steel. His eyes told you all you needed to. He didn't know what to do.

You couldn't do anything but sit down, staring out. Though your head had something else in mind. The corners of your view started to blur a dark pink. You were having a vision now of all times? It's not like you had any means of ignoring it, and just gave in.


Your vision was still in the prison. That was weird. But you saw Lloyd, walking into the visitors hall. Maybe not so weird. But why now?

"Master Wu!" He smiled, sitting down at a booth were a person in a straw hat stood.

The person looked up, revealing their white and blue, painted mask. That was most definitely not Wu.

Lloyd's breath hitched watching the person's movements. "Who are you?"

They pressed the button, coughing. "A messenger of the Crystal King. He wants you to know... He is assembling your enemies against you. Soon, they will strike, and all Ninjago will fall before his wrath."

Okay, emo edgy bitch.

"Why are you telling me this?!" Lloyd pleaded, his jaw falling slack.

"Because I want to see the look of dispair on your face. The look of helplessness as you see something you love destroyed before your very eyes." And then they walked away.

Lloyd banged on the glass, before running to the guards. "Get him! He's running away!"

They both blinked, looking from one another.

"Fuck it!" He yelled, flipping over them, and stealing a key card. Swiping it, an alarm started to blare, and he ran through the door.

You could tell subconsciously, that the alarm was ringing in your cell as well. Sucks for whoever was trying to nap.

Lloyd ran through the doors, summoning a fist of energy which he threw at the control panel, causing it to shortcircuit. Continuing down the hall, he almost tripped trying to catch up to the figure.

Whoever it was, they didn't give a shit about the alarms, and just strolled into an elevator.

Panting, Lloyd ran forward, his fist colliding with the closed metal. "Damn it.." He mumbled under his breath, running to the stairs. Opening the door, a flood of guards piled on him.

"GRAB HIS LEGS!" A guard yelled, leaping on top of him. Obviously not expecting to be overpowered.

Squirming out, he flipped over then, and into the stairwell. "No time to explain, but I promide I'm not breaking out!" They'd definitely believe that excuse. (Not).

He ran into the wall, as more guards came running up the steps. With no real option, Lloyd dove down the center, falling to the bottom floor, and rolling to his feet.

Running out the door, he stared at the masked figure... and the main door shutting.

With a sigh. He threw the key card on the ground, holding his hands in the air. He just.. gave up..? That easily?


Vision fading, you sighed. Hopefully Lloyd was okay.

Your door slid open with a bang, and the PA came on again. "Open cells! Yard Time! 20 minutes!"

Standing back out, you filed through the door, watching as Lloyd was thrown back into his cell. He stared at you, green eyes full with worry.

You'd get through this. Right?


Sorry this is such a short chapter lmao (was writing it in the middle of planning to maybe run away and I don't have the energy to add more lmaoooooo)

I'll upload a bit more frequently (thinking adding Monday too) just until the end of crystalized since I have something else planned and omg I am nowhere close to finishing it by my self-assigned deadline...

▬promise of particles▬lloyd x FEM!reader▬Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz