Return to the First Realm -99-

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Blinking awake, you put your hand above your headd, the scorching sun was a big difference compared to the coming winter in Ninjago City.

Looking around at all the sand, you groaned, you were sure back alright. But not by the sea this time. The only thing the eye could see was sand and occasionally a dying bush.

Standing up, you looked around for Wu. Where was he? He didn't mess up the tea and leave you here alone, would he?

Behind you, coughing and spitting proved that Wu was there, and that he didn't leave you. Rushing over, you helped him to his feet as he continued choking on the sand.

Eventually, he managed to get the coarse particles out of his system. "I don't remember the First Realm being this... vast..."

Putting your hands on your hips, you scooped the flat landscape. "Yeah.. I mostly just remember the beach. Not the desert part of this place."

"So. Now to figure out which way Firstbourne's den is. We've done this before. We can do it again, right?" Wu asked, shaking the sand out of his hat.

Scratching your face, you pursed your lips. "Yeah. Just have to find some sort of waypoint to tell us the right direction. It shouldn't be too hard to find Firstbourne... Hey- Wu? How will dragon skin help Lloyd? Isn't that him being like.. cannibalistic? With him being part dragon?"

"Him being not fully human is part of the issue. His powers are conflicting with his Oni blood and- and it's been hurting him for awhile. Not sure how long, but at least a year. I wish we could've known sooner."

He had been in pain for that long? Why hadn't he told you? Why hadn't he even told Wu? Your questions got interrupted by a soft grumbling noise in the distance.

Peering out into the desert, you began to notice a faint cloud of dust. Wu followed your gaze, spitting it too. "You think they'll eat us? Whatever that is?"

"Possibly. You never know." You mumbled, bracing yourself. Pulling the golden blade from your hip, you prepared to fight by taking off all the heavy bags.

As the cloud grew, the sound of an engine grew louder as well. They were coming.

Spinning the sword in your hand, you dug your feet in the sand, ready to attack. A few feet from you, the sand began to settle as they slowed down.

Now that you could make out the figure, you realized who it was. It was Chew Toy. That Hunter with a swollen eye and always seemed high. Would he attack? Or would he be friendly?

Stepping off, he began laughing, "OOooooo! I knew I smelled Ninja! Where da rest of you's? I only see 2 of you's. Wasnt der 6? And who you be beardie?"

Guess he wasn't attacking. At least you could put the sword down.

Wu stepped forward, bowing. "I'm Wu. I was a kid when I came here, but my curse has worn off now. The rest of our team is not with us right now though. But I am pleased to see a Dragon Hunter again.

"Nah! We be Dragon Protectors! We ain't hunting dragon, we live wit em!" He laughed, eating something that kinda looked like a turkey leg. "Yous shoulda come back to camp! Faith woul' love to see Ninja again!"

Picking the water out of your bag, you took a sip before slinging the bag over your shoulder. "Going back to the Dragon Hun- Protectors camp would be nice, but we're actually here to ask Firstbourne a favor. And I want to leave as soon as possible, a family member is sick."

Shaking his head up and down wildly, Chew Toy climbed on his car-thingie and motioned for you both to get in. Wu climbed in the front, while you crouched on the back, a net supporting your back. At least now you could work on brushing the sand off of you. You wanted to go home.

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