Together Against the World -105-

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"Getting the team back together? That's a great idea!" Cole smiled, sat between piles of garbage. "Though, I don't know what you mean by us getting the bad guys that day. We haven't been active in a while."

You crossed your arms, "So you didn't catch those guys on the street. You at least stopped that vengestone shipment, right? Someone mentioned how Ninja had done that..."

He shook his head glancing at Wu cleaning up the living room. The monastery was a disaster. "It's not us. They're these new guys by order of the mayor. Calling themselves the "New Ninja". It's stupid really. Getting the team back together would prove that we aren't just heroes of the past."

Lloyd stopped pacing from beside you and sighed. "Yeah, sure. Stop the vengestone, that's why we're getting the team back together." He had everyone promise not to tell any of the other ninja about him being sick. He felt embarrassed, but didn't he know they would be willing to help?

"We still don't know who's behind it all, but they have a bunch of Vengestone. I bet you can guess where they got it from."

Your powers weren't acting up back then. Someone -whoever the buyer was- was behind the throne. "From Shintaro? Have you asked Queen Vania about it?"

Cole shook his head in defeat. "Vania mentioned a bit ago how her father had no records of his buyer. It was only told by mouth, and even then he was secretive about it."

Walking to the group with a huge trash bag (the room looked barely cleaner), Wu furred his brow. "The only practical purpose of Vengestone is to negate Elemental Powers."

Rubbing his face, Cole groaned. "So that must mean they're up to no good, right?

"So, that's why we should get the team together."


"Remember kids. You don't greet an enemy in a fight. What's the best defense?!"

The kids got back into their positions. "To obliterate the enemy before they see you coming!

Kai punched a fist in the air as cheer. "Yeah! Alright. Class dismissed, see you next week... Oh. What are you doing here?"

You stepped forward and through the door, watching Cole step up to his boyfriend. Were they still together? Cole knew where Kai was..

Zane blinked, emotionlessly. "That was a little excessive."

Picking up a piece of purple cardboard you knitted your brow. "Why do you have a giant cardboard cut out of Kalmaar. I get you need dummies to beat up, but printing this must've not been cheap."

"There's bad guys out there, they don't play fair. These kids need to know what they look like. Or do I have to fucking remind you want happened to Nya?"

You sighed. "We don't need a reminder. We have to live with what we've been given as well. But we need help. We need the team back together."

He rolled his eyes. "I have kindergartners in half an hour, they're like a pack of ravenous wolves. I have to mentally prepare... So what do you want?"

"We are assembling the team to look into a vengestone smuggling operation. Lloyd and Y/n came to us yesterday, they are ready to rejoin the team as well." Zane stated, his blue eyes missing the familiar glow of life.

Biting his lip, Cole smirked. "Unless you'd like to deal with those wolves-"

"I'm in." Kai yelled, grabbing a duffle bag and running out the door.

You sighed, "That was much easier than last time."


Rapping on the door, you watched it slowly creak open. The first thought that came to mind was: How the fuck did Jay of all people grow a beard?

Kai blinked, quiet for once in his life. "What happened to your face?"

"Time ravages us all.."

Fuck. He was being cryptic. This was bad.

Following him up the lighthouse stairs, you groaned. You felt uneasy here. And you liked creepy houses most of the time.

Cole pursed his lips, staring around the deck. "Jay? Why are there half-full glasses everywhere? Don't tell me it's vodka.." That would at least explain his attitude.

Rolling his eyes, Jay looked out onto the sea. "They're half empty."

"Actually, if they started empty and you filled it half way, then it'd be half-full. But if it was full and you dumped half out, then it'd be half empty. Though, I don't think you'd waste water like that so then they're half full- Fuck. I'm rambling." You quickly shut up, looking around.

He swirled his cup, shaking his head. "Still half empty."

Cole walked up to Jay, looking as confused as you. "Okay.. but why?"

"So I can talk to Nya."

The guys around you all gasped, but you couldn't lie that you had thought about talking to the rag on your wrist back in the First Realm. But he literally lived on a tiny island in the middle of the ocean. Why did he need this many Ikea cups?

Jay laughed, looking at the cup. "Look Nya, the Ninja are here.. What? Oh, okay. I'll tell them. Nya says Hi."

Scrunching his nose, Kai started leading everyone away. "Would you excuse us for a second?"

As they talked, you walked over to Jay and leaned on the railing. "Jay. I- I understand it's hard. But there's someone on the loose, and we need to figure out who, before it's too late."

"I'm not going anywhere. Everyone else might have forgotten Nya, but I haven't."

Kai scoffed, insulted. "Nobody forgot her Jay. Stop being so-"

"Yes they did! It's only been a year since Nya disappeared, and it's like nobody cares anymore! They just moved on! But Nya didn't. And nobody seems to notice."

Exhaling, you put up a hand, motioning that you could try. "Jay. Nobody forgot Nya. And I'm not sure how good your method is, but Nya did speak to me.. I think. It was a dream. She wanted me to tell you that she loved you. And that she's happy." You looked back to Kai. "She said she loves all of you."

He started to refuse, when Kai and Cole began yelling at him to look. Running to the other side of the lighthouse, you could see all the lanterns, with hand written letters scattered upon them.

Jay ran down the stairs, almost tripping over the old door frame. He continued down to the beach, and stood in the sand, watching the lanterns drift by. His legs collapsed under him, as he scooped up a lantern into his arms. "They didn't forget." He sniffled, pulling at his beard which peeled right off. So he had been wearing a fake beard for a year? "So what now?"

"We got the team together. Now we do what we do best, fight against evil." Lloyd was walking from the Bounty, smiling to his brothers. He was purposely hiding his limp, and his last worst felt hesitant.

Jay smiled, gazing at the lantern, it had scribbled drawings, and hearts around it. "Yeah. Let's do that."

Did I ever mention Crystalized is going to be the most changed out of all the seasons? :3

Also this chapter only took like- 15 min so it's prolly really bad, maybe I'll fix it when I'm not trying to get kitten pee out of my mattress

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