What's That Puppet Boy? :128:

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"We never would've done this to Master Wu!" Lloyd huffed, tapping his foot on the floor of the elevator.

Raising your brow, you hummed, "You sure?"

He opened his mouth, shutting it. After a moment he clicked his tongue. "Yeah, no- we totally would have."

You scoffed, walking into the rubble-filled basement. "There's.. no vehicles. Don't tell me we have to walk all the way to the Crossroads.." You whined, spinning around yet still seeing no cars or bikes or mechs or.. anything.

Lloyd laughed, pressing a button on a console. "Welp, guess no fancy bike you get to ride on.."

A mauve bike rose from the floor, the platform opening to reveal it. It did look fancy. The wheels had custom designs imprinted on them, a black leather seat and an erray of different buttons resting just between the handlebars.

Mouth falling agape, you glanced at the bike to Lloyd and back. "Is this for me?!"

"Might've been your two year Yang present but then the Merge happened and.. yeah.. better late then never, am I right?" He smiled, tossing you the keys.

Snatching the keys out of the air, you ran over to your bike, straddling the seat, you patted it behind you. "You coming to go get these kids or what?"


Grabbing Lloyd's hand behind you, you started weaving through the crowd, easily slipping through people. You could vaguely hear Lloyd apologizing for bumping into people, his hand slipping from your grasp, assumedly to get around easier.

You stepped up to someone, politely smiling. "Hi, I'm looking for two kids? One's black with dark curly hair and an orange hoodie, the other is tan-ish with pink hair and cat headphones..? Oh.. no..? Thanks anyways!"

"Hold on! I haven't been around this many people in awhile.." Lloyd yelled from behind you, causing you to stop. He stumbled away from someone that bumped into him, falling inside a tent.

Jogging up to check on him, you wrapped a hand around his arm, pulling him to his feet. "Don't be afraid to push people, it's like Ninjago City during the holiday season. You can't always-.. oh."

Around the tent were masked pictures of the team, flowers adorning each canvas and bouquets strewn across the floor.

Squinting, Lloyd's eyes darted from photo to photo, reaching his hand out to yours. "Why.. are there pictures of us?" He mumbled, squeezing your knuckles.

You smiled, shaking your head. "I have an idea."

Unimpressed with your answer, Lloyd walked up to some kids who had entered the tent, and were placing flowers along the floor. "Hey, what.. what is all this?"

"Oh! It's our neighborhood's way of remember our great heroes. The Ninja! They put this tent up every year." The boy smiled, bouncing up and down, clearly thinking you guys were some kind of superheroes back then.. not really anymore though.

The girl took a bite out of her candy, pointing around the room. "Once upon a time, the Ninja protected the whole city of Ninjago! And, they had fun while doing it!"

You wouldn't necessarily call you and your entire family getting traumatized fun, but.. oh well. What could you do?

Lloyd squeezed your hand, smiling. He was proud of himself. He finally heard someone actually proud of him that wasn't also a Ninja.

"Then they risked their lives to save people during the Merge. Now, no one knows where they are. Some people think they're gone forever." She continued, resting another flower beside Nya's painting.

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