Labor for Low-key Breaking Out -111-

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"Wake up! Something's happening!"

Flinching awake, you glanced across the way to see Lloyd waking the other Ninja. Small, purple spiders crawled across the floor, towards Pythor's cell. Fuck. You had head about the fight, but he was already being broken out?

Watching the purple glow of Pythor's call. It felt too quiet, ignoring the garbled noises from in there. Thankfully, Kai was there to help make noise by exploding the bars of his cell, and also causing the alarms to sound again, as if it wasn't loud enough. Guess this was serious, actually, no. Kai always blew stuff up for no reason.

With a sigh, you fell onto your stomach, holding your hands around the base of a bar. Shutting your eyes, you carefully cut the bar away from the frame of the door, letting it loosely hang. Now with it detached from the bottom, you were able to just barely slip through it, maybe bruising your tailbone.

Keeping quick-footed, you quietly ran over to Pythor's cell, where the Ninja were being blasted at by the crystal spiders. It was through a tunnel in the back of the cell.

Holding up a hand, you snapped a few wires inside the spider, causing it to make a small explosion. The team looked back at you in shock, but they quickly softened, realizing it was you.

"What the fuck are you staring at me for? We have to catch him!" You yelled, sliding feet-first through the tunnel, before jumping up to the roof.

The rest of the team following behind, you started sprinting after the snake. Lloyd quickly caught up, yelling. It was nice to see he wasn't hobbling anymore. Maybe Aspheera did help.

Hopping through the empty guard towers, you dodged, barely missing a blast from another spider. If you were to tell your past self who was working at a McDonald's trying to earn rent that you were a Ninja with magic powers, dating the Green Ninja, and in prison fighting robot spiders. You would've just admitted yourself to a psych ward then and there.

A hovercopter (they still made those?) flew down, and sat at the corner of Kryptarium, waiting for Pythor.

"First class accomodations, how delightful!" Pythor remarked, slithering inside.

Jay shot a bolt of lightning at the spider, causing it to fall down to the ground. The team began running forward, trying to catch up.

Glancing at the spider, you felt the ticking from inside. Fuck. "ITS A BOMB!" You yelled, pushing against the rest of the team. They panicked, pushing the guards back inside the tower as well. You crouched to the ground, trying to ignore the hot wave of the explosion, and the ringing in your ear. You were getting tinnitus at this point.

Once the explosion passed, you ran out, watching the hovercopter fly away. You weren't sure what else to do.

But Kai had an idea. His fists balled up, and lit up. Pulling his hand back, he threw the fire, in line with the helicopter. If only they didn't move.

The straw building caught on fire, smoke quickly filling the open air. You, Zane, and Lloyd all lifted your arms up, using various of your methods to control the fire, and put it out.

Lloyd sighed, putting his face in his palm. "Please tell me you didn't just set fire to that tower."

Shaking his head, Kai sighed. "Sorry."

The guards swarmed from every side, so the team did the logical thing and surrendered. At least this time you weren't brutally assaulted.

Two out of the 6 guards led you back to your cell, and the rest led the others to their cell.

Sitting down in your room, you sighed, putting your head in your knees. You were so frustrated. The team wouldn't be funded after this, wouldn't it? Now that you were convicted criminals, the team couldn't be supported by the government. Would you have to operate off of Wu's inheritance entirely? The Ninja did when they first formed. But that was so long ago.. and how long would it last?

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