Realms Ripped Apart :123:

879 26 35

With a yawn, you watched Kai hit his hammer against the anvil. "Don't mess this up, or I'll tell Wu how you feel about his cooking."

He rolled his eyes, wiping the sweat off his head. "If you want a new sword then shut it or I'll purposely mess it up."

"You're no fun." You pouted, tossing a tiny pebble at his temple. Sitting ontop of a clean(ish) table, you watched the sparks fly as he continued swinging the heavy stone.

Kai rolled his eyes, ignoring the teasing. It made sense why he was in a bad mood, but you trying to completely ignore his hurt probably didn't help.

Arms scooped around your torso, a kiss being pressed to your cheek. "Hii~" Lloyd mumbled into your ear.

Wriggling out of his grasp, you grinned. "How was training?"

He shrugged, propping his arms on the table. "Same old, same old. Just Wu talking about 'tHe baLaNce' again- and him getting overworked about an earthquake, like I didn't train for 5 months straight not too long ago. Nobody can touch me in battle, so I don't see the point."

Leaning against the wall, you studied his face and the bandaid along his jaw. "Well I managed to snag you there just the other day." You motioned to the cut.

Lloyd smirked, black scales mischievously flickering by his temple. "I'd let you touch me any day..."

Before the heat could rise to your face, Kai threw your new sword in the ground.

"OUT! Stop flirting- just- Get out!" He yelled, his chest rising quickly as he panted. Kai guided you both out, shutting the door to his workshop, and forcing you out onto the deck.

Glancing up to Lloyd you bit your lip. "I'm.. not surprised that happened."

He raised an eyebrow. "What has been up with Kai? He's been acting.. off."

You sat down on the stairs, popping your lip. "Right.. so.. when Cole and Kai were out with Jay at the farmers market, apparently the two got in a pretty rough fight, and still haven't entirely made up.."

Lloyd crouched down beside you, leaning against your shoulder. "That's... Worrying."

"Yeah.. I-"

The ground began to shake, and the wooden frame of the monastery creaked in the sudden movement. You grabbed onto Lloyd for extra support as you felt the air shift-... air? Why would the air be moving during an earthquake?

The doors of the monastery got thrown open, revealing a exhausted looking Wu. "I need you both to look in the second library for anything that refers to 'The Coalescence.' My father spoke of it and I'm afraid it may have predicted for the future when it is forthcoming in the present. Go... Now!"

Rising to your feet, you began following after Wu with Lloyd training behind you. He split off towards the main library, while you and Lloyd ran to the other side of the monastery. Something wasn't right. It was as if the world was preparing for something -but what? What Wu said made no sense..

Sliding the second library's door open, you and Lloyd split up, searching opposite sides of the room. Everything was obviously ordered chronologically, but Wu didn't give you a time frame in his rush. But at least you knew it was mentioned after Wu was born, because he mentioned his father speaking of it. So.. still like less than 2000 years ago, but you also had no idea when it had actually happened Great.

Sliding scrolls in and out of their massive holders, you began skimming the pages, looking for anything that had to do with this 'coalescence.'

"Over here!"

You ran over to the other side of the library where Lloyd had found some scrolls. He began piling them into your arms, then filling up his own. He led the way to Wu's library, you could basically hear how fast his heart was racing. You just won only a year ago, what was there left to do? When Lloyd came back, you assumed you would have more than just 7 months with him.

Kicking the door to the side, Lloyd ran in, holding the scrolls out to Wu. "What is this for? What's happening?"

The old man had his hand wrapped around his forehead. He stared at countless sheets of paper he had already grabbed himself. The one in front of him was sprawled out, displaying a drawing of a orangy-purple unsewn hole in the sky.

Biting on your bottom lip, you emptied your arms onto the corner of his desk. "This... I thought we were done. I thought-" You couldn't ignore the shaking in your voice. Of course there was something else.

Putting down his own scolls, Lloyd placed a hand on your arm. "I'm sure.. I'm sure it'll be fine, and we'll have each other, right?"

The corners of your lips twitched. "You're so fucking cheesy-... Wu?"

He finally looked up his eyes darting around wildly. "I thought- I thought we had more time. More time- we need more time!" Wu yelled, slamming a fist against the table as he stood.

Lloyd grabbed his shoulder, also grabbing his attention. "Hey- Uncle- it's alright. We'll figure this out. We always have time to spare.."

The sky outside flashed a bright orange, and then a burst of purple swam through it.

"It's too late.." Wu panted, staring out the window. "We're too late... I'm too late... Lloyd. I need you to do a better job than me. Remember, family is key."

The window burst open, shattering glass everywhere.

Running downstairs, you threw the front doors open, standing beside the rest of the Ninja. Just like the paper said, a tear formed in the sky. It flickered through various scenes of- something.. until you recognized two of them. The First Realm and the Never-Realm.

A pressure built in your head, pressing up against your skull. It hurt so much, and you couldn't focus on what was happening. You couldn't focus as Lloyd dragged you onto the Bounty. You couldn't focus as it took off, towards Ninjago City.

It felt as though the world was crying out in agony.

Everything was screaming. The air, the ground, it was being pushed and pulled and warped beyond normality...

The metallic taste of blood brought you back to your senses. You had been clenching your jaw too much, and now your gum was bleeding.

Grabbing your finished sword from Kai's outstretched hand, you slipped it into the holder on your back, and dragged your mask up your face. You couldn't worry about yourself, the sky was about to literally explode.

Dropping the anchor down halfway, you swung down it, grabbing a person who was being dragged through the air. Using flying debris as stepping stones, you put the person into a fire escape, smiled, and leapt back up to the roof of the building.

With a quick breath, you followed the flying ship, leaping from rooftop to rooftop, until you finally grabbed the silver anchor once more.

Climbing back up the chain, you pulled yourself back too the deck. Giving yourself a moments break, the pressure came back in tenfold.

You fell to the floor, rolling into your side as you clutched your head. The weight of the world crushed into you, as the ship only neared the source.

Everyone went quiet, the pressure in your head released as the air fell flat.

A brilliant gold shot along the sky, destroying everything in it's path. A path headed directly towards you and your family.

And then everything went dark.


Any chapters with -#- is original Ninjago

Any chapters with :#: is Dragons Rising

Happy 13th anniversary to Ninjago <3 such a silly franchise that has changed my life weird to think it's old enough to legally have a Twitter account 😶‍🌫️

(I won't be posting regularly again, this was just a build up to when I do. Expect February or March)

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