|Chapter #8: Joyous Celebration|

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Ruhana and Vineet have extended an invitation to their international clients, and they are fully prepared to commence the meeting. These clients represent London's Glamour Hub, a prominent international fashion brand. The owner of Glamour Hub, Ms. Emily Parker, has expressed a strong desire for captivating, stylish, and culturally-inspired designs. Furthermore, they have expressed interest in co-hosting a fashion show in London and wish to form a business partnership with Vineet. He has nominated Ruhana to manage the entire meeting, as he sees this as a significant career advancement opportunity for her. Over the past four months, the bond between Ruhana and Vineet has grown stronger. Although they were once college friends, their relationship has evolved into one of deep trust and collaboration.

As the clients find their seats and get comfortable, Ruhana kicks off the presentation, leaving the clients visibly impressed. Ruhana showcased a diverse range of designs, including exquisite lehengas, sarees, and stylish designer suits. As she concludes her explanation of the designs conceptualized by Vineet, all eyes turn to Ms. Emily. Both Vineet and Ruhana exchange a nervous glance as she attentively reviews the file.

"Ms. Ruhana, your designs are truly remarkable. These sarees strike the perfect balance between trendy and ethnic, and I'm absolutely captivated," Emily expresses, bringing a radiant smile to Ruhana's face.

"Really?" Ruhana replies, her face reflecting surprise.

"Yes, Ms. Ruhana. I've been following your work recently, particularly on an Instagram page with the name VM_Fashions. That's your brand, correct?" Emily inquires.

 That's your brand, correct?" Emily inquires

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"Yes, Ms. Emily. I have the privilege of showcasing my designs there, and these are the designs we intend to feature in our upcoming fashion show," Ruhana confidently responds.

"I'm delighted to hear that, Ruhana. I'd like you to take charge of this project with us. You can continue working from India, but I'd appreciate it if you could visit our London office," Emily says with a beaming smile, leaving Ruhana and Vineet astonished by the offer.

"Are we confirming the deal?" Ruhana asks.

"Yes! Additionally, I have some designs I'd like to share with you. I'll send them via email. I'd appreciate it if you could incorporate them," Emily smiles, deeply touching Ruhana.

"Of course, Emily. I'd be more than happy to do that," Ruhana replies, her emotions overwhelming her at the moment.

Emily signs the necessary paperwork and passes it to Vineet, who also signs, officially sealing the deal. After further discussions, Emily and her team bid their farewells, leaving an open invitation for Ruhana and Vineet to join them in London. Once the clients are seen off, Ruhana and Vineet enter Vineet's office, where they sit down. Although they are filled with happiness, they find it difficult to express their feelings. Finally, Ruhana breaks the silence that’s prevailing between the two.

“I am so happy, Vineet. I didn’t think the meeting to go the way it did.” Ruhana exclaimed happily.

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