Issue #4 - High Risk, High Reward

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For the past week I've been stalking the outside of the North Stromford Facility from a nearby rooftop. With a pair of cheap binoculars and an indomitable will to climb up the many steps of the exterior stairs on the side building every day I have been able to notice a few things.

First off, I've basically got the outside guard routes memorized and should be able to avoid them pretty easily. And considering outside cameras are only at the front and back it makes things easier for me.

As for a secret exit/entrance, unfortunately no one decided they wanted to do a nice old reveal of that, so I'm in the dark there. I have a few suspicious places I'll check, and hopefully it's in one of them, or else I'll have to try to sneak in from the front or back.

I know, it's a genius move, I'm like Einstein.

And so here I was, once again, laying on top of this building as I watched it with binoculars. I stared at the guards, relieved they were following the same plan as usual.

Okay, game plan. Sneak in, hopefully through the basement so I can nab something on the way and sell it later, find the breaker room or some other room that I can use to draw attention, then skedaddle the hell out of there.

Yep, good plan.

I checked my cheap watch. Twenty minutes till 1:00. I should start moving now so I can time it right. I'm too used to getting a job slightly wrong and having a prick use that as an excuse to pay.

As I stood up to start descending down the exterior stairs, a light buzzing entered my ears. I glanced to the side, seeing a bee buzzing around.

...please tell me she can't see through those.

I climbed down the exterior stairs, dropping myself down into the alley next to the North Stromford Facility. If my observations are right, I should be able to quickly climb over the fence here and avoid getting spotted.

I jumped, gripping the fence and pulling myself up. Luckily it's a simple fence that's only tall and doesn't have any actual defenses. I peeked over the top, seeing that I was right in my observations of the guards movements.

I pulled myself over, dropping myself down and rolling behind a stack of wood. Thankfully for me I'm in the outside shipping section of the Facility, so there's a few things I can sneak behind.

I made sure the guard passed before I moved, going from cover to cover. Throughout this whole week there's been one thing they've never moved, and it's a wooden crate with who knows what's inside.

Maybe it's a secret entrance!

I got behind the crate, trying to open it. Nope, that's sealed tight. Wait, but what if I try lifting from the bottom? Maybe the whole crate is the secret door!


I'm way too creative for these bozos, apparently.

I continued to sneak around, making it to another one of my possible secret entrances only for it to also be a dead end.

Dammit, I'm running out of time. I only have ten minutes left till 1:00 and I haven't even entered the building.

The echoing sound of footsteps started to approach. Welp, guess we're going to plan two.

The guard rounded the corner, only to find his face grabbed and slammed into my knee. I quickly got behind him, choking him out as he was disoriented.

He struggled against my grip, squinting with teary eyes and a bloody nose as he weakly clawed at my arms. And then, after a few seconds, he passed out and I laid him onto the floor.

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