Issue #5 - Curiosity Killed The Cat

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"I, uh, I think you're mistaking me for someone else." I nervously chuckled.

I know you've heard the saying before.

Why did I have to decide to be the cat? I should've just turned around and left as soon as I saw those legs poking out.

The robot girl slightly tilted her head but showcased no difference in emotion.

"You activated me." She stated. "Are you going to abandon me?"

I suddenly feel threatened.

"No..?" I uneasily spoke.

"Then you are now my new master." The robot girl stated, as if it was natural.

Why? Why is this happening to me?

Damned if I do and damned if I don't!

The robot girl pushed herself out of the crate, standing up and staring at me. I quickly stood up as well, not wanting her to be the only one standing. She was a little shorter than I was, and other than the robotic seams looked completely like an actual human girl.

"What is your name, Master?" She asked.

She's already scanned me, so I think it's a little late for using fake names. Maybe, since I'm apparently her...master, I can keep her from exposing anything.

"Jason." I stated. "But don't tell anyone that."

"Understood, Master." She nodded.

Well, great. Not sure what to do now.

"What is yours?" I asked.

"I am model AW-VSD III." The robot stated.

Why couldn't it have been a simple acronym that was close enough to a female name? I don't have the imagination to properly think of a name for this thing...

"Do you have a codename? Any sort of thing you were also called?" I wondered, praying for something.

"Mark III." She stated.

Not what I meant...

"You know what, how about...Sophie?" I replied, saying the first thing that came to mind. "Does that work?"

Her mismatched colored eyes stared into my soul for a few seconds until she finally nodded. I have no idea how she feels about that, but I guess that's what we're going with. I sighed to myself, before flinching as another explosion sounded from upstairs.

"Shit, I gotta get out of here before this building collapses." I cursed.

The hell they doing up there?

"Hold still, Master." Sophie suddenly stated, grabbing me and quickly holding me in a princess carry position before I could even possibly refuse.

"Wait-!" I cried out as we suddenly launched towards the ceiling. She held me with one hand, bringing her other hand up. Her hand started to mechanically move as it morphed into a cannon made of white armor. Some sort of air blast came out from her cannon, breaking a hole through the ceiling and allowing us to land onto the first floor.

"What...was that?" I questioned.

"Concussive blast." She spoke. "You wish to leave this building, yes?"

"Yes." I quickly nodded.

"Understood, Master." She looked forwards, before starting to run while still carrying me.

I wrapped my arms around her neck to make sure I kept on, still barely understanding the turn of the events that had just occurred.

Hold on, let's get this straight.

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