Issue #43 - Let's Do A Hijacking

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I waited on a roof with Bloodwraith, fully equipped. I was wearing my ski mask with the hood up and I got both pistols, the grappling gun, a dagger, and the arm blades. Bloodwraith had her original mask back on, the black masquerade mask with the covered eye holes by white fabric.

"Over there." I pointed into the distance, a van driving down the road. "That's the van transferring equipment. It should be going straight through here. Sophie's going to stop it and that's our cue."

"Understood, love~" Bloodwraith smirked.

The van continued to drive down the road, slowly getting closer and closer towards us. As it got close suddenly something slammed down into the road from the sky. The van slammed on the breaks as Sophie now stood there in front, clad in her maid outfit.

Bloodwraith was already twirling her way down the building with her incredible acrobatics while I took the stairs on the side of the building. I rushed down them and then quickly climbed down the ladder at the bottom. My feet hit the pavement of the alleyway as I sprinted out past surprised people.

Bloodwraith already broke her way into the front of the truck through the window. The driver and the man in the passenger both stood no chance, quickly having their throats pierced by her umbrella and causing blood to splatter against the windows.

Civilians screamed, running away from the sight. The back doors of the van busted open as two men hopped out, each holding a rifle. I quickly rushed towards one, taking him by surprise and flicking out my hidden blade. I grabbed him and shoved it through his throat, causing him to gurgle blood and to drop his rifle after sending two bullets into nowhere.

The other man opened fire on me, only for me to quickly block using the body of his coworker. Thanks to their bulletproof outfits my skin wasn't pierced. Before he could move the gun to shoot at my legs I chucked the body at him, causing him to readjust.

I took the moment of opportunity, quickly drawing my pistol and sending a bullet straight through his head. He dropped to the ground, blood oozing across the ground.

"We're good!" I yelled, jumping into the back of the truck. Everything was securely fastened, so it didn't seem like anything was going to fall out. But if there's something suspicious, maybe it'll be to "accidentally" lose it.

A bee buzzed around my head, before setting itself on my shoulder. The van jerked forwards as it started to move once again, this time driven by Bloodwraith. I heard a thump on the roof as Sophie landed on top of it.

And now it's time to start the show.

I really hope Bloodwraith is as good at driving as she claimed she was...

We continued to pick up speed, driving through the city. I held onto one of the heavier pieces of machinery to make sure I wouldn't fall out. I watched our backs, whistling to myself.

It didn't take long until suddenly a dark blue and black motorcycle swerved onto the road. It rapidly drove after us, and I paled as I realized who its rider was.

Hikari has a freaking motorcycle?!

She was accelerating at a rapid pace, quickly catching up towards us. What's a way I can stop her without injuring her too badly?

By throwing stuff at her, obviously!

I grabbed something that I honestly didn't know what I was, chucking it out of the van. Hikari swerved to the side, easily dodging the item and barely losing speed.

She's skilled at it too!

"Ski Mask!" Her distorted voice screamed at me.

Ah shit.

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