Issue #39 - A Villainous Crush

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(Hikari POV)

I had quickly changed out of my superhero clothes and found myself rapidly approaching Jason's apartment. I quickly ran to his room, knocking on the door.

No answer.

Of course.

I continued to knock, only to still receive no answer. If he was even in there, then he was ignoring me.

It's more likely that he's already gone.

I ran away from the apartment, making a break towards the hospital. I dashed past tons of people, getting a lot of odd looks but I didn't care. There was too much chaos in my mind to even care.

I panted as I slowed down, walking into the hospital and approaching the receptionist. "Hello, I was hoping I could see a Gabriel James?"

"Gabriel James...?" The receptionist typed something on the keyboard, her eyes lazily staring at the screen. "We don't have a record for that person."

"Are...are you sure?" I slowly asked.

"Yes, nothing is here." The receptionist stated. "Did you get the right hospital?"

"Yeah..." I turned away with a frown. "...nevermind."

I walked back out of the hospital, clutching at my head. He had already moved. Not only himself, but his brother too. Was he planning in case he got found out? Had he done it that quickly? No, that wasn't possible. Stellar was hunting him down, even though he escaped he couldn't have gotten away quick enough to do this.

I numbly walked back to Stellar's apartment, thoughts raging through my mind. I opened the door with the key she gave me, entering the empty apartment.

I sat down onto the couch, holding my head in my hands. I needed a moment to process everything.

I had just seen the villain known as The Maid up close when she wasn't wearing a mask for the first time. And the revelation shook me to the core. That white hair. Those mismatched eyes.

It was Sophie. The same one that I had taught how to use makeup. The same one that was always around my crush. The robot.

The Maid was a robot.

And if that was Sophie, then her master...?

I stood across from the man in the ski mask, sweat rolling down my forehead. My hands were clammy, the anticipation was killing me.

"...if it isn't my favorite browser!" The man in the ski mask nervously chuckled. It was the first time I had heard his voice in person.

That was all I needed to confirm my worst fears.

"It is you." I couldn't believe it. "That was Sophie, and that voice is definitely yours Jason..."

He was silent for a moment, simply staring at me with red eyes. And then the realization hit him. "Hikari." He gasped.

"Why??" I growled, the initial shock and confusion that flooded my veins turning into anger. "What is your goal here?!"

"Money." He simply shrugged in response. "What, expecting some sob backstory?"

Of course it was money, Hikari! Damn it! You knew about his brother! He had shown you himself!

"Damn it Jason!" I unsheathed my sword.

"Back off, hero. I don't know how you know him..." The girl in the fedora wrapped her arm around the masked Jason as she pointed her pistol at me. "But Jason is mine."

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