Issue #37 - The Past Is Biting My Ass

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And it ain't fun.

"Well, kidnapped is a strong word." Alexis smirked. "I prefer retrieval of the groom."

"Forceful retrieval of the groom, you mean." I replied.

"I suppose." Alexis shrugged. "Would you like to play a game of chess when we get back to our home?"


"What makes you think you'll even get me back there?" I questioned, pointing out the back window. "We have two incredibly overpowered, superpowered, individuals after us."

"A girl can dream." She replied, before scooting closer. "We need to talk, my beloved."

"About...what?" I wondered, waiting with bated breath.

Here it is. Time for the switch. Time for her to reveal how much she hates me for betraying her and trying to kill her.

"Why? Why do you run from me, my beloved?" She clasped my hands, looking into my eyes.

"Are you...are you serious?" I looked at her in surprise.

"I am." Alexis nodded. "We had something amazing, my beloved. Was it something I did? Something I said? I can make it right, I swear."

"You didn't..." My voice trailed off as she stared at me with her intense eyes.

"I need you, Jason." She declared. "I was ready to pledge my life to you, and I still am now."

"You're insane." I replied, pushing her back. "Do you hear yourself?"

"Why are you so opposed to this?" She sadly looked at me, before a dark look overtook her face. "Is it because of her? That stupid, busty blonde?"

"Alexis, no..." I sighed.

If things were to go back to how they were, I'd be abandoning Sophie and Mother Wasp.


"Then why?" Alexis pleaded. "Tell me, my beloved. I'll solve any issue you have. Money isn't a problem, so we can get your brother the best treatment. I'll also, reluctantly, protect that woman and your servant too."

"That's not the issue, Alexis." I countered.

"Then what is?!" Alexis exclaimed. "I don't understand! I just want you to be happy! I just want you to be mine! Like before!"

"We can't be like before, Alexis!" I yelled. "Because if we do, then I might try to kill you again!"

I don't want another person that I love to die because of me.

Let alone to my own hands.

Alexis stared at me, quiet, as I finally spoke my main reason. I grasped my head in my hands, groaning into them.

"I...I don't understand why you'd want someone like me..." I replied, staring at my hands. With a blink, I was looking at the bloodied hands that had tried to murder her months ago. I blinked again and the blood was gone.

"I tried to murder you, Alexis. Do you not understand?" I looked towards her. "Bringing me back only endangers you."

"He has a point, my lady." The driver spoke with a voice I hadn't heard in months. "The same point I've been trying to tell you, surprisingly enough."

"Holy shit, is that you Hanson?" I called from the back of the seat.

He quickly turned the wheel as we speedily drifted around a corner. In the background Sophie smacked Stellar into a building, before continuing her pursuit. A few seconds later Stellar tackled her, sending them two of them flying into another building. The only reason neither of them had reached us yet.

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