Issue #35 - A Date With The Mother

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I am, in fact, alive.

And currently staring at myself in the bathroom. I sighed, rubbing my forehead and trying to rid myself of the headache that has developed within my mind.

She wants to proceed with the wedding, huh?

As if.

That's a trap if I've ever seen one. Don Clyde was standing next to Killian Stromford when they both recognized me. Then a bounty gets put on my head?

As much as I wish things could go back to how they were with Alexis...they can't.

I tried to kill her. She definitely hates me. She's definitely cunning enough to try to lure me back in with the wedding, and I have no doubt that is her plan.

I splashed water against my face, groaning to myself over past mistakes. I stripped myself of my shirt, cracking my back and trying to move my mind away from what happened.

At least I've escaped for now.

I threw the shirt onto the ground, hearing an odd sound as it connected with the floor. I looked back down at it, picking it back up. And after a quick search, I found it.

A small, metal disc attached to the shirt. It was the size of the button, and a very similar color to the shirt so it blended in. Sophie was probably too distracted with the events that had happened to properly notice.

I felt myself get lowered as the hand started to bring me back down. As I reached the ground Alexis leaned over, kissing me on the cheek as my feet hit the ground. She then slapped my back as I walked over to Sophie and stood next to the robot.

She slapped my back...

"Fuck." I cursed.

Say goodbye to free housing, Jason...

I picked it up, cursing under my breath. I quickly ran out of the bathroom and back down the stairs, where Sophie and Mother Wasp were somehow conversing without fighting.

"Master?" Sophie questioned, her eyes locking onto me.

"Oh my~" Mother Wasp grinned.

I held the device in my hand, showing it to the two of them. "Alexis placed a tracker on me." I stated. "She knows about this place. We need to move." 

"Oh dear." Mother Wasp frowned. "That's not good."

Sophie stared at the device. "I should've noticed the threat. I apologize, Master."

"No Sophie, it's my fault." I sighed. "Sorry boss. If only I noticed sooner."

"It is fine, my little worker wasp." Mother Wasp replied. "Besides, I have an idea forming in my mind..."

"Which is?" I wondered.

"If she's going to come after us, then we're going to make it difficult." Mother Wasp grinned. "We're going on a date tomorrow, dearie."

"...what?" I questioned.

Okay, now you're just finding excuses to go on a date with me.

"I do not believe this is an effective response." Sophie glared at Mother Wasp.

"Think about it." Mother Wasp stated. "Based on how she was acting she's going to come after what's mine as soon as possible. If we're in public, that'll make it harder for her."

"Trying something in public is difficult when one has a public image." Mother Wasp nodded. "But if she doesn't make a move, we can lure her back to the base, where plenty of my goons will be."

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