Issue #59 - A Past Of Blood And Shadows

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(Bloodwraith POV)

Teardrops laid on the floor, reflecting a tiny version of my distraught face in each one. Maybe this was retribution.

For all those I murdered.

For abandoning my brother.

Why should someone like me get to be happy?

When did things go wrong?

I still remember that day clearly.

We were only a few years old, my brother and I. I was five at the time, Alex a year younger. For the past year we had been living in the orphanage, having been abandoned by our mother.

We didn't really know what was going on back then, but I think we knew we would never see her again. As the rain pattered against the roof and trickled down the windows, I held my brother close to me. He had long fallen asleep, but I continued to gaze through the window at the rainy day.

A knock rang on our door, before it was slowly opened by one of the adults. She softly smiled at me, a gleeful look on her face. "Eleanor, I have great news!"

Before I could respond, another man entered the room. He was unfamiliar, wearing a fancy suit with meticulously styled hair. I didn't know who he was, but I immediately realized he was important.

"Hello there, my name is Wilson Waverson." He brightly smiled. "I finally found you, my children..."

That day our biological father found us.

At the time, I was overjoyed. My brother and I would finally have a real home. There were quite a few things I hadn't noticed at the time.

After all, wasn't it quite strange that our biological father would just appear like that? Where was he before? Why now?

I wouldn't realize until much later, but his relationship with our mother was an affair. One which lasted for a while, and ended up in the birth of the two of us.

He was an up and coming businessman, finally starting to become rich and famous. Evidently, it had gone to his head. He betrayed his wife, going behind her back and having fun with other women. And when he found mother, he took quite the liking to her.

Well, obviously having two children with another woman was a big mistake. If the public found out he was a cheater, he'd lose a decent amount of support. Enough that his name would be marred in controversy for quite some time.

I'm not sure whether mother abandoned us to protect herself, or to protect us. If it was the latter, then it didn't fucking work. And I don't know whatever happened to her either, I didn't care about chasing a phantom of my past.

Despite that, I still use her last name. Elsher.

Well, it's better than Waverson. I'd rather die than share a last name any longer with that BASTARD.

I thought that getting adopted by him was a stroke of good luck. How wrong I was.

There's a reason why there is no heir to the Waverson Corporation. Adopting us wasn't made public, not even to the man's own wife. He didn't adopt us out of goodwill, to make things right, or to take care of his children.

He did it out of greed and fear. To make sure that there was no connections between him and mother, that no one would realize his affair. After all, I heard the orphanage burned down a few days later.

And then the other reason.

To make us useful. To make us WEAPONS.

My wooden sword clashed against Alex's, before the both of us jumped back. Alex grinned at me with admiration through shining eyes. Sweat rolled down our faces as we got into our positions, before once more charging at each other.

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