Interlude #2 - A Day For A Miracle

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~ A year and a half before present day ~

The man rapidly ran down the street, pushing past people as he desperately clutched a purse near his body.

"My purse!" A faint cry could be heard of an old woman in the background.

"Get out of my way!" Growled the man, shoving someone to the ground as he continued to rush past.

He continued to run forwards, blasting past people, until up ahead someone stood in his way. They wore a golden bodysuit with white, light plated armor that covered the majority of it. He held a large flag, one that could also be used a spear. He had golden locks and a white eye mask around his green eyes

"Stop right there, mugger!" The Rallying Hero, Miracle, jutted his hand forwards to dramatically point at the purse thief.

Except for the fact that the mugger was already upon him, and thus when he brought his hand up to point he accidentally smacked the purse thief straight in the face.

The purse thief crumpled to the ground, clutching his nose and dropping the stolen purse.

"Well...alright." Miracle shrugged, pulling out handcuffs. "It's authority time for you, buddy!"

~ JAOH ~

Miracle sat atop a roof, looking down at the city below him. He watched as cars and trucks and motorcycles all drove by, much quicker than the people going by foot despite the traffic.

Maybe he should get a vehicle? He's always had trouble getting around during his patrols compared to some of his heroic companions. Jumping from roof to roof was a lot harder than the movies made it seem.

Unfortunately he couldn't spare too many expenses for that. Wait, hold on. An idea flashed within his mind.

A bicycle! A normal bicycle! He could totally make it work!

"I hope I didn't just find you slacking, Miracle." An amused voice came from behind him. A smile grew on his lips as he recognized the voice.

The person sat next to him, allowing Miracle to turn and look her in the face. Stellar sat there, clad in her superhero outfit and with her golden hair blowing in the wind.

"If it isn't my favorite shining star." He smirked. "You know better than assuming I'd slack on patrol."

"Mhm, sure." Stellar giggled. Her eyes held a somber tone as she looked at him. "How's your brother doing?"

"Well, he's stable." Miracle replied, staring out into the distance. "I'm just happy it hasn't gotten worse."

Stellar nodded in response. "And your training with Siren?"

"I'm always improving, Stellar." Miracle smirked. "I'm almost at three years of superhero work. Just wait until the day I kick your ass!"

"And I'm almost on my fifth. I'd like to see you try." Stellar rolled her eyes with an amused smile.

"Well, with my luck I could totally bridge that two year gap of experience." Miracle cockily grinned.

"Uh huh, sure." Stellar replied, turning away.

"How dare you insult me!" Miracle dramatically gasped.

Stellar smiled, fighting the snort that threatened to bubble to the surface. "I'm going to get back on patrol. And you better stop slacking, or else you'll never get close to me." She stood up, stretching as her cape flowed in the wind.

"Just a little longer, and I promise you that you'll have the spar of your life." Miracle grinned.

"I look forward to it." Stellar smiled.

And with that, she blasted into the sky and flew across the city, passing a few blocks in the span of less than a minute.

"Damn, she's cool as always." Miracle whistled to himself. "Well, back to work!"

~ JAOH ~

"Get back here!" Miracle grinned, flag on his back as his feet rapidly pedaling as he rode a normal bike down the sidewalk, expertly maneuvering past people. Well, unless you counted the close calls where a lucky incident saved him from crashing into someone.

Such as the bag that got caught on the pole, preventing the person from walking right in front of him. Or the person who dropped their phone and paused right before he would've hit him.

Anyways, back to the chase!

Miracle rapidly pedaled, continuing to chase down the man with the bag of cash. He swerved into an alleyway, Miracle quickly following before skidding to a stop.

Standing in front of him was a grand total of five different thugs, every one holding a metal pipe except for the one holding the bag of cash.

"Let's get him, boys." Grinned the man with the bag of cash.

"When are you thugs going to learn..." Miracle sighed, hopping off of his bike. He looked at them, a grin stretching across his face. "...that I'm not some newbie anymore?"

"Get him! Luck isn't a damn superpower!" One cried, running at him with a metal bat.

Miracle gripped onto the bike, and once the man got close swung it in front of him with a quick strike, sending the wheel straight into the man's face.

The man crashed into the wall, his metal pipe flying through the air and falling straight into Miracle's hands.

"Catch!" Miracle laughed, throwing the metal pipe at another man. It bonked him across the head, knocking him out cold.

Another one rushed him, swinging the bat down upon him. Miracle held his bike up, blocking the metal pipe. He threw the bike forwards, catching the man by surprise and sending it toppling over him.

Miracle jumped onto the man, using him to boost himself into the air at the two other thugs with scared looks. He swung his flag out from behind him, stabbing it into the ground and twisting around it to slam his feet into the final thug with a metal pipe. The thug slammed into the wall, dropping his pipe at Miracle's feet.

The very final one, holding the bag of money, was running away to the other side of the alleyway. Miracle picked up the metal pipe, an idea flashing through his head as he replayed the encounter.

"Go long!" Miracle grinned, chucking the pipe high into the air. The man continued to run with the bag of cash, until a metal pipe fell from above and crashed into his head. He crumped to the ground, dropping the bag.

"Man, maybe I should've tried becoming the quarterback in high school." Miracle chuckled to himself. He looked at the downed thugs, a sigh escaping from his lips. "They really never learn."

~ JAOH ~

Stellar sat in her room, staring at the television as it spoke about the disappearance of Miracle. She had thought it was odd she hadn't seen him around, but for no one to see him in a whole month?

Anxiety played at her fingertips as she rapidly tapped them against her thighs. She really hoped he was okay. She really, really, hoped that he was out there somewhere.

And that one day he'd return.

She bit her lip, fighting the tears that threatened to fall. Her best friend had gone missing. Her favorite sparring partner. Her fellow descendant of one of the original Champions.

And her first crush.

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