Issue #11 - Taken Care Of By A Maid

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Sophie carried me all the way to my apartment door, where she fished my key from my pocket and unlocked the door with a minimal amount of fiddling.

Thank goodness no one is out at this time, cause I really don't want to explain why a girl in a maid outfit is carrying my injured self into my apartment room.

That conversation, no matter where it went, would just be awkward.

Sophie laid me onto my bed. As she went over to my measly closet, I pulled off my ski mask and threw it to the side, taking deep breaths. She reached above the closet and pulled out the small medical kit that was set on top.

She walked back to the bed, placing down the medical kit and grabbing my pants. In one swift move she pulled them off and threw them to the side.

"Hold on, at least take me on a date first." I lightly chuckled with a wince.

"You're injured, Master." Sophie simply stated.

Blood dripped down from my thigh, trailing down my leg and now onto the bed. Goodbye, my perfectly gray sheets...

She cleaned up the area, revealing the bleeding and open wound in my thigh. She quickly pulled out stitches, getting to work on my injury. I grit my teeth as she quickly and expertly used the stitches to close the wound. She then covered the stitches with a bandage.

"Please sit up and raise your arms." Sophie requested. "So I can take off your shirt and hoodie."

I slowly sat up, nodding as I raised my arms. She pulled the sweatshirt and shirt off, throwing the clothes to the side and leaving me in just my underwear.

Usually I'd be embarrassed but the pain is kinda overtaking that feeling. Reminds me of that stereotypical dream of going to school in your underwear. How terrifying! I get that dream sometimes and I didn't even go to school.

"Stay still, Master." Sophie stated.

I simply nodded. She cleaned the outside of one of the wounds on my torso. I tensed up a little from the stinging, before relaxing my body once more.

She pulled out a pair of tweezers, before slowly pulling out the small piece of glass. She deposited it to the side on the table, put a bandaid over the small wound, and then moved onto cleaning the next wound.

After three more of those, she then cleaned and bandaged the two scratches across my body, and then moved towards my back.

She cleaned the first glass wound on my back as she spoke up. "You have a small tattoo on your back, Master."

Right, that one. On my back, right under my shoulder blade was a small tattoo of a fist pointed downwards with the letter "C" on it.

"I'd get that removed but it'd just be a waste of money." I lightly chuckled. "That's a Cromwell Mafia Family tattoo from when I was with them."

"You never told me that." Sophie stated with that same neutral tone, cleaning the second glass wound on my back.

"Never came up." I replied. "I worked under The Plague for three weeks. The pay wasn't good enough so I left and started working for The Hippo."

"He was murdered after a week and I ended up joining Cromwell." I continued. "After a bad job there I faked my death and started working for Deathhand. He then got canned and that's what led me to Mother Wasp."

"Definitely the best one I've worked for yet." I winced as she pulled out another piece of glass.

"Of course, Master." Sophie replied. "You met me."

"Full of yourself, much?" I smirked. "I don't disagree though."

Sophie didn't respond, instead finishing cleaning and taking care of the final glass shard. After another bandage she stood up, disposing of the bloody glass pieces and returning the medical kit to its former place.

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