Issue #56 - A Wraith, Shadow, And A Ninja

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(Bloodwraith POV)

Everyone is just so boring.

Ever since I discovered the outside world, I realized just how boring everyone truly was. That's why I eventually migrated to Champion City, the hottest city for superheroes and supervillains alike.

But they weren't that much interesting either.

So boring~!

So disappointing~!

For oh so long I had wished to discover this outside world, only to find it full of people who could not keep up. I could follow a famed hero for days and they'd never notice me if I took it seriously.

Where is your drive to survive?

Where are your natural instincts?

Where is your struggle to live?

I know they're there.


Oops, got a little intense there, haha~!

It was easy to become the most famed assassin and hitman.

Too easy.

Not a single person was a challenge.

Not a single one escaped ME.

Ironic, in a way. That no one can escape the escaped. It makes me laugh.

It took them hours before they realized someone was sitting in the same room with them. They couldn't even realize their life was gone before it disappeared.

So I decided if no one was going to be a challenge, I'd challenge myself~!

But again, too easy.

I could kill each and every one of them even when purposely alerting them to my presence.


How hard is it to find someone strong?

You would think it'd be the heroes, but no~

I know where Stellar lives. I know she lives with her mother. I know her father died long ago. I know a lot more things about her.

The hero never noticed me.


So what about villains?

Shadow Raven never noticed me either when I stalked her for a straight week~!


Was there a point to spilling blood when it was becoming boring? That gorgeous, crimson liquid was starting to lose its luster in my eyes.

I needed an equal.

And then, he appeared~!

I know it may have been luck that he escaped me the first time. If that person hadn't bursted through the wall he'd might've been another lost soul within my list.

But he survived.

And suddenly I found something interesting~!

Oh Jason, how would I ever live without you?

It is thanks to you that I am once again enjoying life. It is thanks to you that I have finally found what I've been wishing for! You're the only one to survive me. The only one to notice me. The only one FOR ME.

Oh, Jason~!


You're mine! All mine!

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