Issue #61 - Not Like This

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Man, it's been a while, huh?

Last time that y'all got to see my thoughts was all the way back in issue #51, wasn't it? Feels like it's been forever!

Oh, right, right, don't break the wall. My bad, my bad. Here, take this flex tape and we can pretend nothing happened.

Moving on~!

Eleanor successfully escaped her father, and now everyone lives happily ever after! Yaaaaaaaaaay!

If only I didn't have to deal with these two bickering girls that are so attached to my arms at the moment that they might as well be damn koalas.

"This was my date, Eleanor." Hikari hissed, holding tightly onto my left arm as she glared at the gothic girl.

"But it's been much too long since I've had such close contact with my beloved." Eleanor happily sighed, leaning against me as she tightly held onto my right arm. "I just couldn't wait any longer!"

"It was only a few days." Hikari growled.

"A few days too many~!" Eleanor grinned in a sing-song voice.

Maybe I should backtrack a little and explain how we got to this point.

In order to help out Eleanor, I stopped the fight between Hikari and Nightshade that occurred after Nightshade took Eleanor to their father. With my suave speech skills I was able to convince both of them to make a deal with me.

My deal with Nightshade was that if he helped with the plan, his father would be killed and he would be free.

The deal with "Kasai" is that I would go on a date with her. I was kind of surprised she just went out and made that as the terms instead of pretending to not be Hikari.

But we both knew it was her. I have no clue when this whole "Kasai" thing started though! That's news to me!

Recap over, that's how we got to this point of time. And as wonderful as it is to have two girls hanging off of my arms, with these sparks flying between their eyes it's only a matter of time until I become collateral.

"Girls, girls, let's calm down for a moment." I nervously chuckled. "Surely we can all enjoy a fun time together?"

"I'm not sure if that's going to be possible, Jason." Hikari frowned. "It seems I'll have to teach Eleanor here a lesson."

"Please, as if you could do that." Eleanor smirked. "Might as well just give up if you're trying to go against me."

"You're asking for it." Hikari grit her teeth, her arms tightening around my own as if she was trying to strangle it.

No, my blood flow, I can feel it leaving me...!

No wait, even worse than that, I can feel people eyeing me as they walk by. I can feel their judgmental gazes burning into my soul!

I swear, I'm not a playboy! It's not what it looks like! They're only super obsessed with me!

Wait a second, that doesn't make it any better.

Super obsessed to where they'd do anything for me...? No, that's still not helping my case.

Gasp. Wait a minute.

Am I a playboy?!

Oh well.

We continued walking down the sidewalk, attracting plenty of gazes as the two girls continued to tightly hold onto my arms and argue with each other.

As we passed by one of those television shops I found myself stopping and staring at the news that was currently playing on the screen.

"In amazing news, the superhero known as Siren, one of the Champions, has returned to superhero work." The announcer spoke, a picture of the aforementioned hero on the screen. "An official reason for her return has yet to been stated, but we are glad to see her back."

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